“I’m going to live vicariously through you,” Chris said, staring at Kelly. “Just so you know. You’re going to describe it in great detail. And you have to sing. Because everyone knows when you get super drunk, you have to sing.”

Dominique laughed but covered it up when I glanced at her. She seemed uncomfortable, and Jessie reached over and took her hand. I didn’t think she was pack, not like the others, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t heard about what I’d done. She wasn’t scared of me, but she wasn’t not either.

Rico said, “So we’re just going to act like everything is fine. Like this is normal.”

And it was weird, because I was thinking the same exact thing.

Everyone fell silent.

He glared down at the table. He was stiff with anger.

Bambi put a hand on his shoulder but pulled away when he didn’t react.

Ox frowned. “Rico. Look at me.”

Rico didn’t.


He huffed but did as his Alpha asked.

“Nothing is normal,” Ox said quietly. “It hasn’t been for a long time.”

Rico shook his head. “Understatement, alfa. I get that you’re all for the greater good, but I can’t do that. I’m not like you.” He raised his voice. “Or apparently any of you. It’s like you all have memory issues, and not just our Robbie here.”

“Not cool, man,” Tanner said. He looked nervous, glancing between me and Rico. “He wasn’t…. It’s okay.”

Rico slammed his hand on the table. The plates rattled. An empty bottle fell over. “It’s not okay. You didn’t see what I did.” He swallowed, his throat clicking. His eyes were bright and glassy. “You didn’t hear it.”

Chris rubbed his jaw. “I dunno, Rico. I think I did see it. I think I did hear it. And you know what I had that you didn’t? I felt it.” He winced. “All of it. And I get you’re pissed, but let’s not do this now, okay? We’re here for Ox. We’re together. I’m not saying let bygones be bygones, but just… curb it for a little while.”

“I can go,” I said quietly. “If it makes things easier. I don’t want to—”

Kelly took my hand in his under the table. He pulled it into his lap and held on tightly.

“No,” Ox said. “You’re staying right where you are. Rico, you want to have this out? Fine. We’ll do it now.”

He recoiled slightly. “No, hey, I didn’t—it’s not like I’m trying to—”

“Yes,” Ox said flatly, “you are. And if you have a problem with a member of the pack, then we deal with it as a pack.”

“Pack,” Rico said, sounding incredulous. “He doesn’t even know who the fuck he is! We can’t feel him. Not like we used to. How the hell is he still pack? It broke. The bonds between us broke. Maybe it was Gordo’s dad, but how do you know? How the hell can you be sure that he didn’t invite it in? You all saw how he was with Michelle before Elijah came. He was begging her. And look what’s happened since. Tanner and Chris almost died. An Omega is dead. And then we find his sorry ass and we go save him, and what happens? Kelly’s wolf has been ripped from him—”

“Leave me out of this,” Kelly said. “I can speak for myself. Don’t you dare try to use me against him. It’s not fair.”

I thought Rico was going to apologize to Kelly. He didn’t. He said, “Fine. Let’s leave you out of this. But all the rest? I can’t forgive and forget. Not like the rest of you. You’re all walking on eggshells around him like you think he’s fragile. Well guess what: he’s not. I was there. I saw what he did, and if I’d had my gun, I would have killed him.”

“Holy shit,” Carter muttered as the timber wolf whined.

“That’s enough,” Gordo snapped. “I don’t want to hear another—”

“Oh, I bet you don’t,” Rico said. “I get it, papi. You’ve got your favorite back. You’re good to go.” He stood, the table shifting as he struck it with his thighs. “I’m sorry that I’m not all rah-rah Team Robbie like everyone else. But I held my friend as he died in my arms, and I can’t forget that. I won’t. And you all forcing this, acting like everything is fine, isn’t helping either.”

“Sit down,” Elizabeth said.

“Are you even hearing me? I’m not—”

“Sit. Down.”