A hand folded into mine.

I looked over. He was faint, a thin outline, faded.

He said, “I see you. I’ll never—”

He was torn away as the door behind us screamed in metal. It pulsed, the surface becoming liquid glass, and a hand shot out of the door, covering my face and pulling me toward it. I cried out as I slammed into the door and began to sink into it.

I reached for the pack, begging them to save me.

They didn’t.

None of them.


(would you hear me dear)

(would you hear me)

(even in this place i can find you)

(because i love you i need you i can’t live without you)

(they are trying to keep you from me)

(but they don’t know do they)

(just how strong you are)

(and you’re mine you’re mine you’re)

I gasped as the clearing disappeared. The weight holding me down shifted as the Alpha slid off me, collapsing to the floor. I blinked against the light overhead.

“Shit,” I heard Gordo mutter. “Goddammit. Goddammit!”

“Hey, hey,” Mark said, and I turned my head to see him cupping Gordo’s face. “It’s okay. We thought this would happen. At least now we know. You did what you could.”

Joe knelt beside the Alpha, the one they’d called Ox. “All right?”

“More than I expected,” he mumbled. “I can’t—” He shook his head. “It was different. The door. It wasn’t like it was before with the Omegas. I couldn’t break it. Hell, I couldn’t even touch it.”

“That’s because dear old dad learned a few tricks,” Gordo said tiredly as Mark dropped his hands. “But fortunately for us, so have I.”




I rolled back, bringing my legs up and over me, my hands flat on either side of my head. I pushed forward as I kicked my legs out, flipping up and landing on my feet.

They barely had time to react before I was through the silver line. I crashed into Gordo, shoving him into Mark before heading for the door.

I threw it open just as Joe shouted, “He’s coming up!”

A set of stairs rose before me. I climbed them as quickly as I could, muscles stiff but holding. Another door at the top was partway open. Before I reached it, a face appeared—a man with dark skin and bushy eyebrows. “Mierda,” he breathed, eyes wide. “This is gonna suck.”

He slammed the door shut.