“I’m here.”


I raised my voice. “I’m here! Goddammit, you told me to come here, you told me to find you, and I’m here!” I spread out my arms as I spun in a slow circle. Above, the first stars were coming out, and the moon, the fucking moon was calling for me, saying i see you here you are you are here you are you are you are.

“What do you want from me? What more do I possibly have to give! Do you know what it took for me to get here? Do you? You’re all fucking with my head, and I won’t—”


I whirled around.

A young woman stood on the bridge. She looked wary, and she stepped no closer, but she was an Alpha, and I fought against the instinct to bare my neck to her.

“Who are you?” I asked harshly.

“Alpha Wells. Shannon. We spoke on the phone. Do you remember?”

I glared at her. “Of course I remember. You told me to get here. You sounded fucking nuts, but here I am. You said you had answers.”

She nodded. “I do. Though not all of them.”

“Malik,” I said suddenly, and she narrowed her eyes. “John. Jimmy. Those are the names you told me. Your pack.”


“Where are they?”

Something complicated crossed her face, there and gone. “Why?”

“Is this a trap?”

“No, Robbie. It’s not a trap. Not for you, anyway.” She looked over my shoulder in the failing light. “Are you alone? Did you tell anyone you were coming here?”


She cocked her head as she listened to my heartbeat. I bristled but said nothing. “Do you want to hurt me?”

That shocked me into laughter that echoed around us before I cut it off. “What? Why the hell would I want to hurt you?”

“I had to ask. To make sure you’re you.”

That discordant feeling returned, the divide in my head where things were real and unreal at the same time, separated by a thin veil made of glass. “Who else would I be?”

“A weapon,” she said quietly. “A monster capable of great harm. Savage. Fang and claw hell-bent on spilling as much blood as possible. Feral.”

I took a step back. “I’ve… never done that. I’ve never hurt anyone.”

(what are you doing



please don’t

please don’t do this

oh my god what’s wrong with you