I didn’t look at him.

He said, “Your home is here. It’s always here. Remember that. No matter what happens, I want you to remember what we have.”

I pulled my arm out of his hand. “I know. And it’s the best home that I’ve ever had. I’ll come back.”

“Oh, I know you will.”

I left him standing in the doorway.

I expected him to follow me.

He didn’t.

I stayed out of the compound, circling around it as I headed into town. I could hear the wolves laughing and shouting. I could hear the cubs screaming in happiness.

I pushed it all away.

The main road through Caswell was mostly empty on this Friday. The few businesses that we had were open. The marquee of the movie theater was lit up, lights flashing. Anyone passing through wouldn’t think twice about it.

There was a large garage next to the theater. Inside was a small fleet of vehicles.

I grabbed the keys for a compact car off the corkboard.

I shoved my bag into the back seat before climbing in the front.

I gripped the steering wheel, breathing in and out.

In and out.

“Okay,” I whispered. “Okay.”

I hit the clicker on the visor above my head.

The garage door opened.

Weak light spilled in, the rain lessening.

I turned the key in the ignition.

The car rumbled to life.

I gave myself one last chance.

One last chance to stop this.

One last chance to go back to the compound.

I gunned the engine.

It whined laughably.

I put the car into Drive and pulled out of the garage.

I headed south.


Once, when I was just a cub, my father sat me in his lap.