


I closed the book. I reached up, meaning to set it on top of the bookcase. A sharp burst of laughter from just outside the house startled me. I almost fell from the chair. I caught myself at the last moment, but the old book slipped from my fingers. I winced as it slid behind the bookcase, clattering down to the floor.

“Shit,” I muttered. I’d have to move the whole bookcase to get it out. I looked down at the smaller book. The cover was blank. The book itself was wrapped with a leather strap. Initials were carved into the leather.


I couldn’t think of anyone with those initials.

I stepped down from the chair, clutching the book to my chest.

It wasn’t from a witch. It didn’t smell like magic.

I undid the leather strap and let it dangle.

Inside, the pages were lined and yellow, filled with barely legible chicken scratch. I made out words like power and creek and father and sons. It was the same handwriting that had been in the margins of the other book.

I turned to the first page.

There was an inscription, written with a delicate hand, so much different than all the pages that followed.

To my beloved—

Never forget.


Two things happened at once.

The computer chimed,


my phone rang in my pocket.

I startled, dropping the book onto the floor. I cursed as I pulled my phone from my pocket, glancing down at the screen as I pushed the chair back under the desk.


I frowned at the phone. I thought about ignoring it.

I answered it instead.


A crackle of static filled my ear.

I pulled the phone away to look at the screen again. The call was connected. I put it back against my ear. “Who is this?”

The phone beeped as the call dropped.

I looked at it again and—