I did. I dreamed in such sharpness that it felt like reality.

I said, “They’re busy.” Truth. “They have two young wolves.” Truth. “The Alpha herself is young, as you know.” Truth. “It would be a lot for anyone.” Truth. “But Alpha Wells is capable of many things.” Truth. “And I have no reason to believe she’s not doing what she thinks is right for her pack.” Oh, how easy it was to lie without actually lying.

Michelle nodded slowly. She was listening for any skip of my heart. There was none. “And they know they need to remain in contact from this point on?”

“They do,” Ezra said. “I impressed upon Alpha Wells when I met with her the importance of open lines of communication. She….” He stared off into nothing, mouth open.

I reached over and touched his arm.

He blinked as he looked at me. “I’m sorry. I just….” He shook his head. “Getting older. I recommend you avoid it if at all possible. The mind has a tendency to wander with age.” He smiled ruefully. “The Wells pack is in good hands, I think. They have much to learn, but I don’t know if we need to worry about this just yet. There are bigger things to focus on.”

Like an Omega hidden in the floor of a silo surrounded by unknown magic.

“Robbie, would you excuse us for a moment?” Michelle asked. “I need to have a word with my witch.” She glanced at me. “You did well. Thank you. And I’ll need you again in the next couple of days. My computer keeps making weird noises at me. I want you to take a look at it again. You know I’m terrible when it comes to such things.”

She was. She didn’t know a damn thing about technology. I’d always found it slightly endearing, how frustrated she could get.

I hesitated. If I didn’t say anything now, I never could. They wouldn’t trust me again if they ever found out I’d kept this from them.

And yet.

“Go,” Ezra said. “I’ll catch up with you later. Take a shower. You stink.”

I nodded at both of them and left the office, closing the door behind me.

The compound was busy, but I barely saw any of it.

I was lost in my head.

I had just lied to my Alpha.

Lied to Ezra, her witch.

And for what? A pack I didn’t know that was harboring an Omega?

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I accidentally bumped into another wolf. I apologized.

She frowned. “It’s okay.” But she hurried away, glancing back at me over her shoulder.

I stared after her as she disappeared

into the crowd of people.

Something was… off.

People were milling about as always.

No one stopped to talk to me as they always had.

No one waved.

They glanced at me, but when they saw me watching them, they’d smile and look away. The barest of acknowledgments.

Not like they were scared of me, but…. I didn’t know.

I shook my head.