I slumped against the door, sliding down to the ground.

I tilted my head back toward the ceiling.

Through broken slats overhead, I could see the bright outline of the moon.

“I’m pleased with our visit,” Ezra said as we stood next the car. The sun was barely cresting over the horizon, and the air was warm. “I know Alpha Hughes will be too, so long as communications reopen.”

Shannon nodded. The house behind her was quiet, though I didn’t think it would be for long. John and Jimmy would wake soon, and we would be gone. “Extend my apologies to the Alpha. Let her know that we’ve been busy. It was an oversight. Nothing more.”

“Of course,” Ezra said. “It happens to the best of us. Let us know if there is anything you need. The Alpha of all is here for you, as she is for all wolves, no matter who they are.” He glanced at me, a quiet smile on his face. “Or where they came from. Who knows? One day John or Jimmy might hear her call and feel the need to rise in rank. They seem capable.” He chuckled.

Shannon didn’t laugh. “We’ll see.” She took a step back toward the house. “I gotta get back inside. We have a busy day ahead of us. I don’t want them to be late for school.”

“I’m sure,” Ezra said, even though it was barely past six. “We’ll take our leave. Robbie? Would you mind driving? These old bones are a little stiff this morning. I’ll even let you pick the music.”

“Yeah. That’s fine.” I took him by the arm and led him around to the passenger side. I opened the door and helped him in. He sighed gratefully as he sat down. He told me not to fuss as I tried to buckle his seat belt. I told him to shut up and let me do it. He rolled his eyes, but his lips were quirking. I stood upright and closed the door.

Shannon said, “Robbie.”

I glanced at her.

She didn’t speak again.

She didn’t flash her eyes.

Instead she pleaded without words or a show of power.

Malik came out onto the porch behind her.

He leaned against the rail, arms over his chest.

It would be so easy.

So easy.

To do the right thing.

To tell everyone what I’d seen.

There were rules in place to protect us all.

And this pack was breaking them.

I could almost see it.

The aftermath.

They would descend on this place.

Shannon and Malik would fight.

They would lose.

John and Jimmy would be torn from their pack.

And the Omega would be destroyed.

It’d happened before.