She hesitated before she turned around and disappeared through a door.

She was back even before it stopped swinging.

In her hand was an envelope.

She placed it on the counter and stepped back before she held up her hand, fingers twitching as she muttered under her breath. There was another pulse of green, and the glyph above faded.

“Take it,” she said. “Take it and leave.”

“How long?” he asked as he stepped up to the counter. He stared reverently down at the envelope. He was almost scared to touch it for fear this was nothing but a dream. “How long ago did you get this?”

“Six days.”

“And which way did he head after he left?”

A pause. Then, “North.”

“Did you see anyone else? Don’t lie to me.”

She shook her head. “I think he was alone.”

The man picked up the envelope. “Oh, I doubt that.” He closed his eyes as he brought it up to his nose, inhaling deeply.




He turned to leave.

He was at the door when the woman said, “Is it true?”

He stopped, but he didn’t look back. “What?”

“What they’re saying. About the Alphas. About the wolves. About a beast that can’t be killed.”

He looked back at her, eyes flashing Beta orange. “Oh, he’ll die. I’m going to make sure of that. Forget you ever saw me. I was never here.”

And then he pushed open the door and stepped out into the parking lot.

For years, after all was said and done, the woman would remember this man.

She would remember how all she felt from him was blue.

But if pressed, she would say that underneath everything, she felt the green of relief.

Of hope.

It was small, but there.

And it was enough.

And though now she didn’t recognize it for what it was, she still followed him out the door.

She said, “Wait.”

She said, “I think….”