In the middle of a clearing.

It’s metal.

But when I touch it, I realize it’s an illusion.

It’s not metal at all.

It’s glass.

There’s a wolf next to me.

White with a splattering of black.

His eyes are red.

He presses his nose against my forehead, and I say, “Oh.”

And then he’s gone.

But others have taken his place.

All of them.

Here. With me.

Gordo says, “Kid, it’s time.”

Elizabeth says, “We’ve got you.”

Jessie says, “We’re here for you.”

Rico says, “Until the end.”

Tanner says, “It’s gonna hurt, but then it’ll be over.”

Chris says, “And we aren’t going anywhere.”

Mark says, “Because you belong with us.”

Carter says, “You’ve always belonged with us.”

Joe says, “We love you.”

Ox says, “And we will never let you go.”

And Kelly is there, bright and beautiful Kelly, and I’m scared, I’m so goddamn scared, but he takes my hand in his, and he leans over and kisses the skin beneath my ear.

He says, “I love you, I love you, I love you, and do it, do it, Robbie, break down the door, shatter it like glass and come back. Come back to me.”

For him, for them, I would do anything.

I press our joined hands against the door.

It begins to vibrate.

It cracks right down the middle.

BrotherLoveMatePackFriend we’re here we’re here we’re here and we’re the goddamn bennett pack hear us hear our song