Before Livingstone could put his claws on her, Chris and Tanner and Rico shouted in unison, these brave men who had carried the hearts of wolves in their chests even before they’d been bitten.

They were no match for Livingstone. He knocked them away easily. Chris and Tanner landed on the ground near a burning house. Rico flew out onto the lake, sliding along the ice.

I had to end this.

I had to stop him before he hurt anyone else.

I ran toward him, claws popping.

“Robbie, no!” Gordo cried, but it was too late.

I would do this for him.

For Kelly.

For my family.

For my pack.

I jumped.

And Livingstone caught me by the neck.

“You,” he growled, pulling me close to his face. He opened his maw, and I could see endless rows of teeth. I struggled against him, beating on his hand and arm, but it was useless. “I gave you life. I gave you a home. I gave you everything. And thissss is how you repay me?”

“Fucking die already,” I managed to say, and sunk my claws into his right eye. It was almost as big as my palm, and I yanked on it, feeling it pop underneath my fingers.

Livingstone howled in pain, his grip around my neck tightening until I thought my spine would break.

Instead, he threw me to the ground. My breath was knocked from my chest as my arm broke. I turned my head slowly to see what remained of his eye still in my hand.

Joe and Ox pulled themselves to their feet.

Carter and Kelly stood before the beast, next to their mother.

Jessie circled Livingstone, keeping a safe distance.

Chris and Tanner helped me to my feet as my arm healed.

Rico slipped over the ice before hitting the beach, eyes orange.

Mark stood next to Gordo, their ravens’ wings stretched wide.

“Stop. Please.”

Two words, grunted with what sounded like great hardship.

The beast looked down.

Gavin stood before him, looking up at his father. It was discordant, seeing his face, so like his brother and father. But it was harder somehow, darker. It was in his eyes.


“Leave,” Gavin grunted. His face twisted like he was struggling to form words. “With you. I’ll. Go. With you. Don’t. Don’t touch. Them.”

Livingstone craned his neck toward his son. “Leeeaave?”

“Yes,” Gavin said. “Us. We go.”