And then he died, quiet as a mouse.

Silence fell over the compound, the only sounds coming from the shifting and cracking of the ice in the lake.

“Robbie,” Kelly whispered.

I pulled away, but only just.

And Kelly’s eyes were the bright Halloween orange of a Beta wolf. He grunted as the fracture in his leg repaired itself with an audible snap.

I kissed him with everything I had.

And I could feel him, I could feel him, I could feel him in my head and heart, his voice a wolfsong.

I heard a choked sob coming from next to us, and I looked over, shocked to see tears running down Gordo’s cheeks. He was cupping Mark’s face in his hands, demanding that he do it again, do it again, goddamn you.

Mark did.

His eyes flashed orange.

He hugged Mark as hard as he could.

Which meant—

“Carter,” Kelly said, pulling away from me. He turned and ran toward his brother, who had just sat up, head in his hands. Carter barely had time to brace himself before Kelly tackled him back onto the ground. Carter grinned up at him as his eyes filled with the same orange as the rest of the Betas. They laughed and clutched at each other, Kelly babbling that he was going to murder Carter if he ever did something like that again.

It was Elizabeth who figured out what the rest had missed.

“Robbie?” she asked.

I looked toward her. She approached me slowly. Joe and Ox came next to her. Chris and Tanner were behind them, wounds healing. Jessie had her arms slung around Rico, his head on her shoulder. They were all watching me.

“Yeah?” I said hoarsely.

“Do you remember?”

I was taken aback. I hadn’t even—

And then my heart sunk to the pit of my stomach.

Because the void was still there, vast and black. Oh, it had light in it now, the threads of the pack stretching across it, but it was still wide open and gaping.

I hung my head.

She rushed toward me, gathered me up in her arms. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out. I promise.”

A wolf growled.

I spun around, pushing Elizabeth behind me, baring my fangs.

Gavin stood above Kelly and Carter, lips pulled back over his teeth, eyes still violet. And he was staring at Michelle Hughes.

She had shifted back to human, her nude body streaked with blood.

She was pale as she looked at us.

She said, “I… did what I could.”

She said, “You have to believe me.”