I thought Ox would give a grand speech, tell us all that we were stronger together than we’d ever be alone. That it was time for us to fight back, to bring an end to those who would do us harm. That we would return victorious. Every single one of us.

He didn’t.

Because he knew, as we all did, that there was a chance none of us would return. That this would be the last time we all were together.

He said, “It’s almost time.” Then he stepped away toward the blue house, hands in his pockets, shoulders slumped. We watched as he stood near the porch, head bowed. I heard him whispering and made out the words hey, Mom, and I tuned him out. It wasn’t meant for me.

Elizabeth was staring up at the pack house. Carter and Joe stood on either side of her.

“You know,” she said, “your father would be proud of us.”

“You think so?” Carter asked.

She smiled at him. “I know so.”

Rico stood away from the others, hands on Bambi’s waist. She was poking his chest, her words curt. “You don’t do anything stupid,” she said. “You get there, you kick some ass, and then you come back. I swear to god, Rico, if you die, I will have one of these witches bring you back to life just so I can murder you myself.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works, mi amor—ow! Would you stop hitting me?”

“Then you fucking listen to me!”

And then they were trying to eat each other’s faces. Humans were so confusing.

Jessie made a noise as another car appeared down the road, an old junker I’d seen Dominique driving. The car had barely come to a stop before she jumped out, a determined look on her face.

Jessie looked confused. “Hey, I thought we already said goodbye.”

“We did,” Dominique said, eyes flashing violet. “But I need to do something before you leave.”

And then she kissed Jessie.

“Whoa,” Tanner said. “That is… huh.”

“That’s my sister,” Chris growled at him, elbowing Tanner in the stomach. “Stop staring!”

Jessie looked dazed as Dominique pulled away. Dominique nodded, satisfied. “There. Now you have even more of a reason to come back. You owe me a date, Alexander.”

Jessie nodded as she blushed. “Ah. Yeah. I can… I can do that.”

“Finally,” Bambi muttered. “Now I won’t have to hear them both pining after each other. It was getting pretty awful.”

“We are literally the gayest pack that has ever existed,” Rico said to no one in particular. “I see no problem with this.”

Ox finished his business at the blue house. He walked back toward us quickly. His eyes were red and violet. We all turned to him.

And the Alpha said, “Let’s go.”

Our caravan slowed as we reached the main street through Green Creek.

“What the hell?” Carter asked as he leaned forward against the steering wheel. “What are they doing?”

“Holy shit,” Kelly whispered, taking my hand in the back seat without looking.

I had no words.

The people of Green Creek had lined the sidewalks. They stood in front of the shops, in front of their houses. Will was in front of the diner, surrounded by a group of men and women.

He was the first.