Kelly coughed roughly. And then it sounded like he was about to hack up part of his lung, so Chris, Tanner, and I decided it was probably best if we hurried.

“It’s like they’re fucking five,” Rico muttered as we drove into town. I looked over my shoulder to see Chris and Tanner in the bed of the truck. They were hanging off either side of the truck, wind blowing through their hair as they laughed.

“They seem to have taken to it well,” I said. “Being wolves.”

His hands tightened briefly on the steering wheel. “I guess. It is what it is.”

The cab of the truck was warm. I was uncomfortable. I didn’t know why Rico had agreed to go. I searched for something to say.

He beat me to it. “I think Chris….” He shook his head. “I think he was always going to take the bite at some point.”

I nodded, trying to be as small as I could. “And Tanner?”

Rico shrugged. “Maybe. It’s… intoxicating. The idea of being stronger. Faster. Able to protect those you care about.”

“Is it… something you would ever want?”

Rico didn’t answer.

I looked out the window.

Then, “No. Maybe. I don’t know. It’s…. I like being human. But sometimes I think about how much easier it would be, you know? You all can do things I can’t. I can feel them, but Chris said that after he turned, it was ramped up by a lot. It took him a long time to be able to figure out how to turn it off. Or at least dampen it.”

“But humans can do things wolves can’t,” I said quietly. “That’s why humans are important in packs.”

He stopped at a stop sign. “Any humans in Maine?”

“I’m sure there are. It’s a big state.”

He snorted. “Smartass. I’m talking about in your pack.” He winced. “I mean the other pack.”

It stung more than I expected it to, but I let it go. “Not really. I mean, witches, yeah. They come in every now and then. But not like… this. Michelle doesn’t really care for humans.”

“God, that woman,” Rico muttered. “I can’t wait to meet her face-to-face.” He glanced at me. “I hope that’s not going to be a problem.”

“What do you mean?”

He pulled through the stop sign. “You know what I mean. It’s going to come down to it one day. Us or her. Us or Gordo’s dad. Things can’t continue like they are. Surely you can see that.”

“I know.”

“Do you?” he asked, and it was a challenge. “Because I hope that’s true, Robbie. I really do. I can’t take the chance of needing you to watch my back only to have you go fucking feral again and become Livingstone’s lapdog.”

“That’s not fair.”

He looked like he was going to argue, but then he deflated. “You know what? You’re right. That wasn’t fair. I’m sorry, lobito. I’ve just…. I’ve got a long memory. Always have. I’m not really used to letting things go, even when I should.”

“Why do you call me that?”



His jaw tightened. “It’s nothing. Stupid, I guess. Just slang. Doesn’t even really mean anything.”

“It means little wolf.”
