(i only want what belongs to me)

(and i won’t stop until i have it)

I screamed as a lance of pain burst through my head, obliterating all rational thought. I tore my hand from Kelly’s as he said my name again and again, voice rising in a

larm. Lightning flashed and thunder rippled through the clouds as the rain fell harder.

I pushed myself away from Kelly, trying to get as far from him as I could. My claws popped and my fangs burst through my gums, and the moon, the moon was hidden behind the clouds, but I could still feel it. I turned over onto my hands and knees, digging my fingers into the earth, grass and dirt bunching up against my palms.

In front of me came an angry growl.

I lifted my head.


We were surrounded by Omega wolves, their black lips pulled back in quivering snarls, their fangs glinting in cracks of lightning. Their violet eyes burned brighter than any sun.

The muscles underneath my skin rippled as I half-shifted, unable to ignore the threat.

There were six of them.

Kelly screamed for Ox, screamed for Joe, but the biggest of the Omegas, a white-and-tan wolf, launched itself at me.

I knew if I fell, Kelly would be alone.

And that was absolutely un-fucking-acceptable.

I jerked to the right, rolling onto my back and over onto my feet. The Omega landed where I’d just been sitting, jaws snapping viciously, saliva dripping from its mouth. Its eyes blazed as Kelly scrabbled back against the tree.

“Don’t,” I warned the Omega. “You don’t want to do this.”

It didn’t listen.

It came for me.

I grunted as its front paws landed against my chest, knocking me back onto the ground. It stood above me, lowering its head toward my throat.

Kelly whispered, “Robbie.”

I kicked my knees into the Omega’s stomach. A harsh breath exploded out of its mouth into my face. It mewled at me as I dug my claws into its sides, blood spilling over my hands. I roared in its face, pushing up as hard as I could. It fell off me, landing roughly at my side.

I stood slowly, the rain pounding down around us.

The other Omegas circled around me.

“Come on!” I shouted at them, my voice caught between human and wolf. “If this is what you want, come on!”

A gray wolf seemed braver than the others. It lunged, low and quick, and the noise it made when I caught it by the scruff of its neck was choked and surprised. I lifted it toward my face, and I wanted nothing more than to tear its fucking head off for even daring to come near me and my—

A second wolf attacked, knocking me off my feet. The wolf I held yelped as it crashed down with me, scratching my chest and stomach. I tried to roll away but didn’t get far. I was flat on my stomach when another wolf landed on my back, pushing me into the dirt. Its breath was hot against the back of my neck as it trailed its nose against my skin, inhaling deeply.

Kelly shouted my name, and it was filled with such horror that it made my skin crawl.


