I looked pleadingly at Gordo.

He shook his head furiously. “Leave me out of this. I don’t know the first thing about—”

Rico coughed roughly. It sounded strangely like bullshit.

“You made heart eyes at Mark,” Tanner accused. “For years.”

“I was trying to murder him with the power of my mind,” Gordo retorted. “I don’t do heart eyes. I don’t even know what that is.”

“He’s right,” Chris said. “Don’t take advice from Gordo. You’ll end up surly all the time until you’re transformed by the power of love.”

“I’m not transformed—”

“Mark has a magic tattoo on his neck that you put there while he fucked you in the butt,” Tanner said. “And wow, I never thought I’d have to say something like that out loud. We really do need to work on boundaries in this pack. New rule. We all mind our own business and never talk about any of this stuff ever again.”

“Agreed,” Chris said.

And with that, they turned around and left me standing there.


“Nope,” Tanner said without looking back at me.


“Sorry, kid,” Chris said. “You did it once already with Kelly. Pretty sure you’ll figure it out.”

“You guys suck,” I muttered. “And don’t make that into an innuendo.”

Tanner snapped his mouth closed, looking disappointed.

“Anyone?” I asked. “Hello?”

They all ignored me.

“I quit,” I announced savagely.

“You get an hour for lunch,” Gordo said in a bored voice. “If you’re late coming back, I’ll dock your pay.”

I threw my hands up and stalked out of the garage.

“So,” I said for the fourth time as I sat across from Kelly in the booth. I almost felt bad about the pile of shredded napkins in front of me. I didn’t know why I was so nervous. Sure, I had no real idea who this man was, aside from superficial things, but Chris was right; we’d done this all before. I could do it again.

“So,” Kelly said, hands folded on the table.

I racked my brain for anything to say. “Do you like….”

He nodded at me to continue.

“Things?” I finished lamely.

He bit his bottom lip as he looked out the window. “Things.”

I groaned, putting my face in my hands. “Ugh. I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“All of this.”