Gordo shrugged. “We got busy. Family problems. And it’s Ox’s birthday. Almost.”

She snorted, exhaling a plume of smoke. “That right? Salutations, and all that. But I thought something was up. You’re all jumbled. Out of sync. Keeping secrets. That never works out for anyone.”

“That’s one way to put it,” Rico muttered.

Aileen arched an eyebrow at him. “Is it? Because it’s coming off of you almost more than anyone. Got a problem, Rico?”


“Then get over it. At least for today. We can’t have the negativity. It’ll mess things up. A pack divided is a pack that cannot stand true. We just drove two days to get here to help you sorry bunch. You’re not a little bitch, so stop acting like one.”

He looked outraged as Chris and Tanner laughed behind him.

She plucked a couple of small red berries from a bush, crushed them on top of the leaves and her spit. Seeds and juice squirted out between her fingers. They were poisonous, so I recoiled when she held the mess out toward me and said, “Eat this.”

“You spit on it.”

“I am aware.”

“Then I decline,” I said. And then, because she was a powerful witch, I added, “Ma’am.”

Rico sounded like he was choking and was angry about it.

“Hmm,” Aileen said. She looked down at the wet pile in her hand. “I suppose I can get a slice of cheese and wrap it in it. That’s what I do for my dogs.” She squinted at me. “Would that help?”

Every wolf growled at her.

“That’s speciesist,” Tanner said. He blinked. “Wow. Now I understand prejudice. That’s eye-opening. Damn. I have fucked up a lot in my life. I’m going to start making amends first thing tomorrow. After Robbie scarfs down the spit berries like a good boy.”

“I’m not going to eat that,” I told her. “It’s weird, I know, but I have this thing where I don’t eat out of people’s hands after they’ve spat on them.”

“You ate cat poop once when you were shifted,” Elizabeth said mildly.

I gaped at her.

She shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I tried to stop you.”

“Dis pack,” Patrice said, shaking his head. “Just when I tink I have dem all figured out.”

I recovered. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do to me, but I don’t—”

Aileen cut me off. “Sorry, boyo. We’re not here for you. Or at least not just you. There’s not much more we can do that Gordo and your pack haven’t already tried. I’m afraid that until we can get to Livingstone, you’re going to be as you are now. This is about Kelly.”

“Oh,” I said weakly. “No one told me.”

Kelly was stiff beside me.

“I know.” She sounded frustrated. “I get things are moving fast, and there are many moving parts, but I wasn?

??t kidding when I said this could be a problem.” She turned to Joe and Ox. “Get your house in order, Alphas. You’re not helping anyone the way you are now.”

“We’re trying,” Joe said quietly. “It’s complicated.”

“Is it?” she asked. “Because as far as I can tell, you’re all together once again. It may not be like it was, but it’s a start.” Then, without looking at him, she said, “Rico, stop scowling.”

“I’m not,” Rico said, scowl deepening.

She flicked him in the forehead. “Stop it.”