I stood. “They’re coming down.”

“Who?” He fumbled with the book, dropping it to the floor as he stood.

“Alphas,” I growled.

Ox came through the door first. He wore a uniform I recognized. His name was embroidered on a patch on his considerable chest. His fingers were stained with oil, and he had a rag hanging out of his back pocket.

Joe followed behind him.

Without thinking, I stepped forward quickly, wanting to get to Kelly, to drag him behind me, to shield him away.

Clarity came when I smashed into the line of silver. I hissed as my skin singed, backing away.

Joe looked curious, glancing between Kelly and me.

Ox’s expression was blank.

“Kelly,” Joe said. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” Kelly said, sounding exasperated. “I’m getting really sick and tired of that question.”

“As your Alpha, I—”

“I’m older than you,” Kelly retorted. “I changed your diaper when you shit yourself. You may be my Alpha, but I’ve wiped your ass, Joe.”

Joe grinned at him. He reached over, wrapped his arm around Kelly, pulled him close, kissed the side of his head.

Someone snarled angrily.

It took me a moment to realize it was me.

I stopped, mortified.

“Huh,” Joe said, a glint in his eyes I didn’t like. “I wonder what that’s about.”

Kelly shoved him off. “Not now.”

“As your Alpha—”


Ox said, “Hello, Robbie.”

Two words. That’s all it was. Two simple words said in greeting.

And it made me tremble. There was such power emanating from him, and it was overwhelming, but it was so serene and calm. I’d never met another Alpha like him. I wanted to bare my throat to him, even as I warred with myself, the baser part of me gnashing its teeth because I already had an Alpha.

Or maybe I didn’t.

I was so far from home.

He nodded as if he understood. As if he could read all my thoughts and everything I felt. For all I knew, he could. I’d seen the red and violet mixing in his eyes. He was different. He was more.

I was in awe of him.

I was terrified of him.

My fear extended to all of them, this pack, but him especially. Him and Kelly. For entirely different reasons.