It didn’t matter. I was still buried under waves of anger. “Yeah?” I said, because that was what normal people did.

“A family. Mom. Dad. They’ve got a little kid too. Saw them out and about. Seem like the nice enough sort. Kid’s quiet. Got these big eyes. Always staring. The guy asked about work. Said I didn’t have any openings right now, but we’d see.”

“Bill’s getting on. Might be time for him to retire.”

Marty snorted. “Yeah. You tell him that and let me know what happens.”

I opened my eyes, blinking against the sunlight.

“Just thought you should know,” Marty said, blowing out smoke. “In case you need to—I don’t know.?

?? He glanced over his shoulder back into the garage. Loud music was playing. The guys were laughing. Marty leaned forward, dropping his voice. “In case you need to check them out. In case they’re… werewolves. Or whatever.”

“They’re not.”

“How do you know?”

“I’d know.”

He stared at me for a beat before shaking his head. “I’m never gonna understand how that shit works. Just… I don’t know. They didn’t give me any weird vibes. So I don’t think they’re anything but down on their luck. Cute kid, though. Little slow, I think. But cute. Name’s Ox, if you can believe that. Poor bastard won’t stand a chance.”

Whatever. It didn’t matter. “Yeah, Marty. Sure.”

He sighed as he stubbed his cigarette out on the bottom of his boot before dropping it into the half-filled coffee can. He stood, knees popping. He ran a hand over my head. “Couple more minutes. Then get back to work.” He went back inside the garage.

He left his pack of smokes out.

I snagged one, struck a match, and held the fire to the tip.

I inhaled.

It burned.

But it was enough.

I barely even coughed.

green creek/please just wait

JOE SPOKE for the first time in weeks.

He said, “It’s time to go home.”

MARK CAME back for the first time six months after they left.

He said, “Hey, Gordo. Hi. Hello.”

I slammed the door in his face.

He waited outside my window until I finally let him in.

WE POINTED the SUV toward Green Creek.

Kelly said, “What if they don’t want us to come back?”

Carter hugged him close.

RICO SAID, “We’re going out and getting drunk. I’m tired of being sixteen years old and never having gotten intoxicated. It’s like I’m doing nothing with my life. There’s a party, and we’re going.”