His eyes narrowed. “He did it, didn’t he?”


“Thomas. He offered you the bite.”

I heard Rico cackle loudly from back in the shop. Tanner and Chris yelled something in return. “Yeah,” I said.

“Ox,” he warned.

“My decision,” I said. “He wouldn’t do it until I turned eighteen, but it’s still my decision.”

“Just… fuck.” Gordo was upset. “Just think of the consequences. You’ll be hunted. For the rest of your life. There are things out there. Monsters and people who want nothing more than your head on a pike.”

“Because I’d be a wolf?” I asked. “Or because I’m already part of a pack.”

“Shit,” he muttered.

“Or maybe because I’m tethered to a witch.”

“I told you—”

“I’m not a kid anymore, Gordo.”

His voice cracked when he said, “But you’re all I have.”

“Good,” I said. “Then you know I’m never walking away from you. From this.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“You turned it down,” I said, going off a hunch. “The bite. You said no.”

His eyes opened slowly. “Easiest decision I’ve ever had to make.”

We both knew that was a lie.

I DIDN’T tell him that I’d decided to remain human.

For now.

MOM SAID, “Jessie came by the diner today.”

I looked back down at my math homework. I didn’t think I was doing it right.

“Said she hadn’t really seen you for a few days.”

“Been busy,” I muttered. “Homework. Work.” Full moon with werewolves.

“Priorities, Ox. They’re good to have, but don’t forget the good things.”

Running with wolves was the greatest thing.

A DARK pulse in the sun between Joe and me.

I snapped my head up from the desk in history class.

I was up and out the classroom door before I even knew I was moving.

I thought, JoeSafeJoeFindJoe.