So I said, “Thanks for the muffins,” and stepped away.

He glared at me. “I can smell it, you know.”

And I said, “That’s not normal.”

He rolled his eyes and dragged me to Elizabeth’s car.

It was expensive. With so many buttons. I pressed one and my seat vibrated and I said, “Ooooh.”

We also went to the only fancy place in Green Creek. And by “fancy” I mean it was the only place that had tablecloths and folded napkins.

So of course Frankie was the waiter.

He said, “Hi, Joe!” with a big smile. He glanced at me. And grimaced. “And Ox.” It came out more stilted.

“I didn’t know,” Joe told me, eyes wide.

I said, “That’s okay.” Because it was. I didn’t care. Just because Frankie had gotten there first didn’t meant anything to me. “Hi, Frankie. It’s nice to see you again.”

Frankie ignored me and said, “So, how have you been? Haven’t seen you this summer. Excited about senior year?”

Joe said, “Things are good. I’ve been—”

And so I said, “I’d like a lemonade, and what are the specials?”

Frankie glared at me, and I thought Joe was about to laugh his stupid head off.

Frankie told us the specials. Sarcastically. And then turned back to Joe and said, “Sorry about that. You were saying?”

And Joe said, “Maybe give us some time to decide?”

Frankie said, “Are you sure?”

I said, “Yes.”

And so Frankie left.

Joe said, “That was awesome.”

I scowled at the menu. I didn’t know what half the things on it were. I just wanted a hamburger.

“You were jealous,” Joe crowed.

“No, I wasn’t.”

He kicked me under the table.

I ignored it because I’d just found hamburgers on the menu.

Joe said, “Ox.”

I stared at the menu.

“Ox. Ox. Ox.”

I said, “What!”

“So jealous,” he whispered.