And then he smiled. He had many teeth.

“THEY’RE… STRANGE,” Jessie said before she got into her car.

I scowled. “No, they’re not.”

Ox, they kind of are.”

“Be nice.”

“I’m not being mean. I know you’re protective of them, but they give off this… vibe. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

“They’re my pack.”

Her brow furrowed. “Pack?”

“I meant family.”

She kissed me on the lips. “Joe is pretty great,” she said quietly.

“I know.”

“He doesn’t like me very much, though.”

I frowned. “He liked you fine. He’s just been through a lot.”

“You can’t see it, can you?” She sounded amused.

“See what?”

“He’s very protective of you.”

“He’s my friend.”

“Ah,” she said. She smiled softly. And then she left.

I KNEW how to text now.


hi i am at work

Hi, Ox! How long did it take you to type that lol

whats lol

Laugh Out Loud

oh i am not good at this lol

You’re doing good. I promise


Want to watch a movie tonight with us?

can’t jessie wants to go out