Drent looked surprised, then pleased. “Well, well,” he said, and he left to work with another pair of trainees.

Karigan herself appeared bemused, and her opponent plainly shocked, as he gazed at his empty hand.

Zachary was already striding away, his cloak billowing behind him, a Weapon following at his heels.

“I think, perhaps, it was time I proceeded to my meeting,” Laren said. Just as she finished speaking, the bell down in the city began to peal out eleven hour. She hastened away from the practice field with Elgin hurrying beside her. “Was there something else?” she asked him.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the training of the young ones—”

“I think Mara and Ty would be your best help.”

“Ty is who I wanted to talk about.”

Laren halted. “Ty? What about him?”

“Too much etiquette.”

“Too much ... ?” Laren almost laughed, but Elgin’s expression was serious.

“Not enough combat and riding,” he said.

The last strike of eleven hour faded away. She was late. “Chief, please address this with Mara. I’ve got to go!”


“I’m sorry!” She hurried toward the steps of the main castle entrance, hoping he would talk to Mara. Ty was a natural in many ways when it came to training new Riders, but she also trusted Elgin’s experience and wisdom to know when something could be improved.

Etiquette, eh? It did have its place, but she’d rather her Riders be capable of defending themselves in a fight. Osric was very capable, but it did not help him in the end. Still, she wanted her Riders to have every chance possible.

As she entered the castle, she wished she could forget etiquette and call upon her combat skills in some of these meetings she had to sit through, but unfortunately, etiquette and her wits were the only weapons she was permitted.


“I volunteer myself,” Laren declared, unable to cool the heat in her voice.

Her pronouncement was met with shocked silence.

“Absolutely not,” Zachary said seconds later, and the others at the table murmured in agreement.

“I will not command my Riders to do something I’m not willing to undertake myself. I will go in their stead. Do you not think me capable?”

Zachary looked taken aback. “Captain, I should think Blackveil would tremble to its very foundations just to imagine you crossing its borders, but I dare not risk you.”

Laren thought the heat of her anger must fairly radiate throughout the meeting chamber. “Are my Riders so much less important that you dare risk them in this manner?”

“Do you think I don’t know what it means to send them into Blackveil?” Zachary retorted. “They are my people, too, Captain, and it is no easy thing for me. I believe, however, you and your experience best serve your Riders here.”

“I must agree,” General Harborough said from across the table. He was a blocky, thick-necked man, and he needed to shift the whole of his body in his chair to look at her. “It is the lot of commanders to send their troops into battle.”

Laren knew they were both right, but why did half the company going into Blackveil have to consist of her Riders and not others? The company would only number six individuals to match the six Eletians going in, but still, three Riders meant half the contingent.

Of course, more than anyone else she knew why. Green Riders were most suited for this kind of mission, with their ability to work independently, and their experience as scouts. No doubt their special abilities would prove helpful in dealing with the forest. But with one of her Riders freshly dead and her grief still raw, it was a hard thing to choose others to head toward so uncertain a fate.

Lord Spane cleared his throat. “Perhaps the captain does not feel her Riders are up to the task.”

Snake! Laren thought. From the mouth of one who had never faced an ounce of danger himself, and who would not think twice about squandering the lives of those who served him.

But it was Lady Estora who reproached him. “Richmont, you speak out of turn. The Green Riders are capable beyond your imaginings.”

If anyone should know, it was Lady Estora, and Laren bowed her head in thanks to her. The lady nodded gravely in return. Lord Spane’s mouth narrowed to a thin line but he made no retort.

“Let those who go be volunteers,” Colin said.

“They will all volunteer,” Laren replied.

“Then you must use your discretion.”

This was not particularly helpful advice from the man who oversaw the Weapons, whose motto was Death is honor! In any case, she’d known it would come down to her to decide who to send on what could very well be a suicide mission. She sighed, knowing who at least one of those Riders would be.

Old Castellan Sperren shook himself as if waking from a nap. “What of the wall, sire?” he asked. “You’ve got that book about its construction. Shouldn’t we forego this expedition and use the book to fix the breach?”

Everyone looked to the king.

“It is not so simple,” Zachary replied.

“Has the translation not yet been completed, then?”

“It is done.” Zachary pressed his hands flat against the tabletop and rose. Everyone stood with him, but he gestured that they should remain seated. He opened the chamber door, gave some quiet instructions to someone outside. He remained standing, but in silence, his hands clasped behind his back.