“Chief!” she cried. “What a wonderful surprise.” She came over and hugged him. “I have missed everyone so much.” She gave him an additional hug and beckoned him over to the sofa and poured him some tea.

“You seem pleasantly situated,” he observed dryly.

She grinned. “Servants looking after my every need, the finest meals from the kitchen, and this.” She waved her hand to take in the suite. “Don’t let it fool you, though. I’m seething inside. But comfortable. I was bored beyond tears until Destarion brought these up.” She indicated a pile of dusty volumes on the table like the one she’d just been reading. Some were ledger-sized, some were much smaller, and their leather covers were very plain. Elgin opened one and found it filled with cramped handwriting.

“What are these?” he asked.

“Case histories from the menders. This is just a small pile. Destarion has apprentices looking through others.”

“For what?”

“We’re searching for references to Riders—or others—with true healing ability, like Ben. I’m hoping to find something that will reveal how to help him. So far nothing, but a couple references to me. I’m sure Destarion chose these particular records for me to look at on purpose.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The menders who wrote about my cases complained extensively about my temper. When I was conscious, that is. One mender actually mentioned he preferred me unconscious.” She frowned.

Elgin almost snorted his tea. He ended up coughing instead, shaking with suppressed laughter. He remembered what a difficult patient she could be.

She raised an eyebrow. “Are you laughing at me?”

“No, no, of course not.”

“Of course not.” She rolled her eyes. “In any case, Destarion did tell me this morning there were hopeful signs for both Zachary and Ben, that there’d been some awakenings for Zachary, and that Ben had a fitful night as if dreaming, which is better than lying in the deathlike state he’s been in. Destarion also said his cheeks have a little pink in them. Have you heard anything?”

“No,” Elgin replied. “I’ve been with the young ones all morning. You’ve heard more than me.”

“It is my hope that once Zachary does awaken for good, that all of this will be cleared up. If he does not, I suppose they will have to do something with me.”


“No, Elgin.” She’d been almost buoyant before, but now she was subdued, shadows darkening her eyes. “I’m realistic. This is political and they can’t allow anything to endanger Estora’s new crown.”

“But you wouldn’t—”

“No, I probably would not interfere. The time for interference is past. But I know too much and they are not sure they can trust me, and the only true way to relieve me of duty is to exile me, or find a way to break my bond with my brooch.”

The only way to break that bond, Elgin knew, was to kill her. “I won’t let that happen,” he growled. “They’ll have to come through me first.”

“Thank you, old friend,” she said patting his knee.“Enough about me. Tell me about my Riders.”

“After all you’ve done for them,” Elgin muttered, not willing to change the subject so easily. “All the blood you’ve shed for the realm, and you practically raised the boy.”

“King,” she reminded him.

“What I remember is the boy who put frogs in my boots.”

“Zachary did that?”

“As if you didn’t know.”

She gave him an innocent look, but a smile edged the corners of her mouth.


“Seriously, Chief,” she said, “we’ve all shed blood for the realm, but as captain and king’s advisor, I must also function in the political sphere—a role which can prove just as bloody. But I’d prefer not to dwell on it. So please, could you tell me about my Riders? Has there been any word from Blackveil?”

Elgin narrowed his eyes at her, his Red. Yes, they’d all shed blood for the realm, but one only had to see the scar that ran from her chin, down her neck, and beneath her collar, to know how close she’d come to giving her life for the realm. That scar, he knew, went much farther down her body, and was only a small part of the cost she’d paid the day she received it while serving as a Green Rider.

If there was anything in his power he could do to protect her, he would do it. He knew her Riders felt the same way, and those who had raised Estora to queenhood had not reckoned on that. He smiled.

“No word from Blackveil yet,” he said. “As for your Riders, that Sophina has become quiet since that day.” Since that day she’d “seen” the king struck down by arrows. “No complaints or snobbiness from her since then. Not much, anyway. She’s even getting along with Merla.”

He continued to chat with her for the better part of two hours, telling her about the smallest doings and accomplishments of her Riders, and she smiled as she listened, the proud captain, but behind the smile he sensed a profound sadness that no matter what he said, he could not erase.


Estora was surprised to learn that only a couple of days after her meeting with Connly, Beryl Spencer had arrived on castle grounds. A secret meeting was promptly scheduled for the solarium. When Estora arrived, she was annoyed to discover a servant jabbing at cobwebs in the corners of the room with a broom. The woman hummed to herself, oblivious to Estora’s presence.