Estora dismissed the mender and approached. Laren dropped to her knee and bowed her head.

“Rise, Captain,” Estora said.

Laren did so and the two faced one another with steady gazes. Laren had to tilt her head to gaze in the eyes of the taller woman. There were shadows beneath Estora’s eyes. So much she’d had to contend with—the murder of her father, the injury to her betrothed, the hasty marriage and coronation.

A low moan came from the bed. Laren licked her lips, wishing to rush to Zachary’s side, but so unsure of this new Estora she did not dare move or say anything.

“He has not changed much,” Estora said. “Still burning up and . . . and delirious. The menders have given him something to keep him easy. Please, please do go to see him.”

Laren nodded and did just that. She found him pale, sweat runneling on his skin. His bandage was fresh and she smelled no odor of a festering wound. She brushed damp hair from his brow. His hand clenched and unclenched as though gripping a sword and he emitted a sound like a growl.

“He’s been like this,” Estora said, “forever. It feels like forever.”

Laren glanced sidelong at the woman who was now Zachary’s wife and saw genuine concern and fear. She had always liked Estora, thought her the best possible match for Zachary. Recent events did not change her assessment at all.

“He’s fighting,” Laren said. “It’s what he does. Fight.”

A sob escaped Estora’s composed facade, and then another, until it was a shuddering torrent. Instinctively Laren drew the young queen into her arms, spoke soft words, soothing nonsense words as she had when Melry fell and twisted her ankle, as she had for Zachary when he was little and his brother bullied him, and then again as a young man when his grandmother died. She rubbed Estora’s back and comforted her until the sobs subsided and Estora pulled away, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Oh, my lady,” Laren said, “you’ve been through too much in so short a time.”

“But I cannot break down like this anymore.”

“A crown does not make you immune to emotion,” Laren said, “nor should it. It made Isen and Zachary the compassionate monarchs they were. Zachary still is.”

Estora sniffed. “My mother and sisters left with my father’s body today. They are taking him home to Coutre. And ... and of course my sister must be readied to assume my father’s place. I’ve ... I’ve had no one. No one but him.” She glanced at Zachary.

Laren could not imagine the terrible loneliness. “I am at your service,” Laren said, “if you wish it, Your Highness.” It felt strange to address anyone other than Zachary so.

“I appreciate that,” Estora said, her tears now well gone, and her tone different. “But I heard you did not support my marriage.”

Laren’s spirits sank. So here it was. “I supported your marriage as contracted. However, when situations such as this arise, there are protocols in place, established two hundred years ago, that we are supposed to follow, no matter how much sense an alternative makes. It does not mean I’m not willing to swear my fealty to you now, as my queen.” Laren went to her knee again.

Estora tilted her chin up, shadows shifting across her face like a veil. “I am not certain,” she said from above.

Elgin stood a few paces in front of Colin Dovekey glaring at him with arms folded. He remembered the man from when he was just another Weapon guarding Queen Isen. Colin was a bit grayer now, but still solid and fit.

The counselor remained seated and did not pay any attention to Elgin. Instead he looked over some papers, rustling them back and forth.

Elgin did not know exactly what game was afoot, but he knew that where it concerned the royals, the stakes were high, a real life game of Intrigue. Red had gotten snared in it and he didn’t like it, not at all. They hadn’t listened to her. They hadn’t liked what she said, so they knocked her out and now threatened to relieve her of duty. They could do far worse if they chose to, he knew, if she pushed them too hard.

Colin set his papers aside and looked up at Elgin, his expression neutral as if seeing him for the first time.

“Elgin Foxsmith, isn’t it?” he asked. “Former Chief Rider?”

“That’s right.”

“It’s been many years, but I recognize you. Had some action in the battles with the Darrow Raiders, didn’t you?”

“Most Green Riders did back then,” Elgin said, his tone darkening. “Including Laren Mapstone. But you wouldn’t have seen any kind of action, would you, safe and sound here in the castle.”

“My duty was to guard Queen Isen. She resided here.” Colin’s tone was not at all defensive. He folded his hands together atop his lap. “I want you to know I have nothing but the utmost respect for Captain Mapstone. She’s been the king’s most trusted friend and advisor for many years. And my friend as well.”

Elgin snorted. “So that’s how you treat your friends, eh? Then I pity your enemies.”

“I realize it appears harsh, but this is an extraordinary and precarious time. Right now the queen must have at her side only those she can trust the most.”

“Laren Mapstone is the most honorable person I know,” Elgin said.

“I do not dispute her honor. It is, however, what has put her in her current position.”

“Taken that way, it means you are admitting you are not honorable.”