Maybe I’m not that tired, after all.

I push on his shoulders, and for a moment I think he’ll ignore my unspoken demand. He finally leverages himself up and looks down at me. “What?”


He’s just shattered me to pieces half a dozen times and that’s the first thing he says to me?

I almost laugh. I might if I could draw in the breath. “My turn.” I shove on his shoulders again.

“No.” He frowns. If his breathing wasn’t just as ragged as mine, I’d think he was unaffected. But then, there’s no ignoring the hard cock pressed against me, even if he shows no signs of trying to do anything with it. Eros shakes his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “You don’t have to.”

My heart gives an almost painful lurch. Eros is always the fixer, the one taking charge and handling things. It’s a role he’s obviously embraced in every part of his life. But now he’s looking at me with this strangely vulnerable expression in his blue eyes, almost confused at the idea that I might want to take care of him, too.

I lick my lips. “I want to. Stop being stubborn and let me suck your cock.” I shove on his shoulder again, and this time, he lets me push him onto his back.

“With an offer that sweet, how am I supposed to resist?” The words are right. The tone is close. But the way he watches me move to kneel between his thighs…

There’s no distance between us now. It’s ceased to exist.

If I’m not careful, what I fear most will come to pass. I’ll start to believe the pretty lie about this thing between us, rather than the stark truth.

Worry about it later.

I pull my hair back and wrap a fist around his cock. He’s long and has a delicious curve that I enjoyed an extreme amount last night. He’s also so hard, he’s practically throbbing. “Poor baby,” I murmur. “This looks like it hurts.”

“You could say that.” He doesn’t move, but the tendons stand out in his neck.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” My first taste of him makes me giddy. No, it makes me drunk. Is this what he feels when he goes down on me? No wonder he was famished this morning.

I lick my way down Eros’s cock, savoring every inch of him. Savoring his reaction even more. Every muscle in his body looks carved from stone, as if he’s straining to hold perfectly still, to submit to my mouth and not take control of this interaction. It’s breathtakingly sexy to feel this powerful.

But I don’t want his restraint. Later, maybe—when reality sets in and brings regret and a determination to protect my soft emotional center—but not right now. How far will he allow me to push him before his control shatters?

There’s only one way to find out.



This woman is going to kill me. I’m trying so fucking hard to respect the boundaries she put in place, to play this slow until I can seduce her the way she deserves, can prove to her that she has nothing to fear from me, and Psyche is over here, playing her tongue along my cock, her hazel eyes flaring in a challenge it takes everything I have not to meet.

For a woman who claims we only feel desire for each other as a side effect of stress, she certainly watches me like she wants me to drag her up my body and fuck her until neither of us can walk right.


I don’t wrap her hair around my fist the way I want to. I can’t trust myself right now. “You’re playing a dangerous game.”

“We’ve already established that on multiple levels.” She gives me a slow smile and drags the head of my cock over her full lips. The softest touch that has me fighting not to come on the spot.

“Psyche.” I can’t keep the warning from my tone. Can’t keep the growl out, either.

Her only response is to part her lips and swallow me down. Gods, I might be destined for Tartarus, but the pure pleasure in this moment makes it almost worth it. Who cares what the afterlife brings when I’m being treated to this slice of perfection right now?

Psyche doesn’t let me sink into the moment. She releases me and flicks her tongue against the sensitive spot at the head of my cock. She’s watching me so closely, I can’t shake the feeling that she’s trying to provoke me.

I want her to. Fuck, I’m enjoying my time with her more than I could have dreamed. She challenges me at every turn, and I didn’t anticipate how much I’d come to crave that.

But I promised. “Either suck my cock properly or I’m going to do something we both regret.”

“That would be a shame.” She holds my gaze as she drags her tongue down my length like she’s licking a melting ice cream cone. “Such a shame if you lost control.”