He broke the kiss, and she felt a shiver of pleasure as his lips brushed her jaw. He wove smoldering trails across her bare breasts with his lips and tongue. One hand skimmed down her ribs and waist as the other tangled in her hair, pulling her head back to expose her throat. As he pressed his lips against her throat, she bit her lip to fight back a groan.

His head dipped lower, and he drew a throbbing nipple into his mouth. Rowan trembled, not from fear but from raw, aching lust. Unable to help herself, she reached for the hem of his shirt, tugging it upward.

Letting her go, he took a step back and pulled his shirt over his head.

Rowan caught her breath at the unexpected sight. Covering the top half of his smooth, well-muscled chest was one of the most beautiful tattoos she’d ever seen. A pair of perfectly rendered bird’s wings were spread beneath his collarbones in fine black ink, the detail exquisite. In the center was what she first took for a yin-yang symbol, but quickly realized was a BDSM triskelion.

“Wow,” she breathed, momentarily distracted from her lust by what she was seeing. “That’s so beautiful. You didn’t tell me you had a tattoo.”

Eric laughed. “You didn’t ask.”

His smile fell away, his eyes hooding as they moved over her body, naked now save for the lacy panties. With a low growl, he reached for her and lifted her into his arms. He carried her the short distance to his bedroom. A bed covered in black sheets filled most of the space. He laid her on the mattress and took a step back.

She watched with hungry eyes as he unzipped his jeans.

His gaze on her face, he slid the pants down his legs along with his boxer briefs. His cock was thick and long, springing from a nest of soft, dark curls. Heat flamed across her skin and between her legs as she stared at his manhood, unable to look away.

“Take off your panties,” he commanded.

She obeyed at once, pulling them from her body and tossing them away.

He lay down beside her, reaching for her once more. Using one hand, he grasped her wrists and used them to lift her arms over her head, pinning them to the mattress. The dominant gesture pulled a moan from her lips, and her body opened like a flower straining toward the sun.

“I want to make love to you, Rowan,” he said softly, his grip still tight on her wrists. “I’ve wanted to since the first time I saw you.”

Rowan cupped the words in her mind and stowed them away for later examination. She wanted him too much to think straight. “Yes, please, Sir,” she replied. “I want it, too.”

Letting her go, he turned from her toward his nightstand, reaching into the drawer. He pulled out a pre-lubricated condom. She wanted to protest that she didn’t need it—she was on birth control and had only been with John for the past three months.

But it occurred to her she couldn’t say for sure if John had only been with her. And she didn’t know who Eric had been with either, though she imagined such a responsible Dom wouldn’t take any stupid chances. She hated even thinking about this stuff, but at the same time appreciated that he had, as she’d been too aroused to even consider it.

He slipped the condom expertly over his gorgeous cock and then rolled back toward her. “Where were we?”

All thoughts flitted from her head as he again gathered her wrists together and lifted her arms high. This time, he clipped them to cuffs she hadn’t noticed before dangling from the headboard. She sighed with dark pleasure, the bondage heightening her arousal tenfold.

Eric leaned over her, trailing kisses down her throat and along the curve of her breasts as he cupped her cunt and slid a finger inside. He teased her for several long, delicious moments, reducing her to pure, raw need. She spasmed with pleasure at his touch, heat racing across her skin and between her legs.

“Please,” she begged, and he understood. There would be time later for slow, sensual lovemaking. Right now she wanted him to fuck her. She needed it with a desperation that would have frightened her if she hadn’t trusted him so completely.

As he lifted himself over and onto her, she opened to him. Her breath caught at the sudden, almost painful pressure as he eased himself inside her.

He pulled back just enough to catch her eye, a question in his gaze.

Too aroused to form coherent words, Rowan just nodded.

Again, he understood. He dropped his head to kiss her, and as he did, he pressed deeper, not stopping this time until she’d taken all of him. She arched up to receive him as the pressure gave way to a deep and rolling heat. Her body tightened around him as his tempo increased and he pressed deeper still.