What the hell was he doing? What made him think she’d ever want, or, god forbid, need to contact him? He was letting his own emotions run way, way out of control. Was his warning a result of genuine concern over her situation, or just his desire to claim her for his own? Never before had he let his personal attraction get in the way of his professionalism to this degree. Perhaps he needed to resign from this particular assignment and suggest Dominique and Grayson find another trainer more suited to the task.

A look of consternation moved over her face. “Um. Okay. Thank you, Sir?”

She said it as a question, no doubt confused by his inappropriate remark.

Eric got abruptly to his feet as Brandon appeared at the door. He stopped just inside the room and dropped gracefully to a kneeling-up position.

“Good morning, Sir.” Brandon nodded respectfully toward Eric and then flashed a brief smile at Rowan.

“Good morning, Brandon,” Eric replied, jerking himself back under control.

What had he been thinking, offering his phone number like that? Rowan was a grown woman capable of making her own choices. He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Please, come in.”

Chapter 7

Rowan was glad to see Brandon. Eric had been making her uncomfortable with all those probing questions. She got the feeling he didn’t entirely approve of Master John or his methods, and that bothered her. Who was he to judge Master John, or her for that matter?

Beneath her indignation was a more disquieting feeling. The trainer was making her question things she had no right to question. Maybe he simply didn’t understand the nuance and intensity of a true power exchange. He was just a trainer, after all. That didn’t make him a Master.

Eric spoke, pulling her back to the moment. “Rowan, one of your stated objectives was to improve your ability to deep throat.”

Not my objective. I love to suck cock but I fucking hate being deep-throated.

Rowan actually rocked back on her haunches in shock at the unworthy thought. Master John’s objectives were her objectives by definition. What the hell had gotten into her?

“Yes, Sir,” she managed, glad her voice came out reasonably steady.

“This session we’ll focus on getting a sense of your skill level and go from there. Brandon, you may rise. Close the door and come over to the yoga mat.” As Brandon complied, he added, “Remove your thong and stand at ease, hands clasped behind your back.”

“Yes, Trainer.”

While she’d known this was coming, Rowan’s heart began to thud with trepidation. She would rather the session had been limited to just the trainer and herself. Though she loved Master John and only Master John, she couldn’t deny a certain attraction to Eric. What would it have been like to worship his cock?

Suddenly recalling her stolen orgasm the night before, she recognized it was better that she didn’t find out. Still, she wasn’t especially looking forward to his eagle eye during this session as he critiqued her every move, noting every failure.

She closed her eyes a moment, recalling her slave prayer, the one she was to say each time she prepared for the pleasure and the pain of her Master’s love.

Master, I am your slave and your property. I am an open vessel to your will. I am a window to the soul you own. Use me, teach me, punish me, that I may learn to serve and submit to you in all things.

She felt calmer as she opened her eyes. Brandon’s cock was large even in its semi-erect state, the smooth balls beneath heavy and round. An open vessel, she reminded herself. You can do this. She glanced up at Brandon’s face, wondering what he was feeling at that moment.

Catching her gaze, he gave her a quick wink, a smile ghosting over his lips.

“Take him into your mouth and make him hard.”

Eric had moved to stand beside them. He was dressed as before in a simple black T-shirt and black jeans, heavy boots on his feet. His green eyes were fixed on her as she drew in a breath and reached for Brandon’s cock.

“No hands,” Eric said, brushing her shoulder lightly with his fingertips. “Keep them behind your back for now.”

A small wave of warmth moved over her skin at his touch and she wanted to lean into it. Fortunately, the hand was withdrawn before she could give in to the temptation.

Rowan laced her fingers behind her back, her pulse beating fast. She leaned forward, parting her lips as she dipped her head to catch the head of Brandon’s shaft. Closing her mouth over the spongy flesh, she licked and sucked, flicking her tongue over the slit as Master John had taught her.

Brandon’s skin was soft and clean, his shaft hardening as she took his cock deeper into her mouth. He moaned softly, more of a sigh. She glanced up to see his eyes flutter closed. While she felt no sexual attraction to the man, she enjoyed the obvious pleasure she was giving her new friend.