He had been careful, aware she needed time to heal from the trauma of what Garfield had done to her. To be bound and completely at the mercy of another took a great deal of trust. Would she be able to trust him, or anyone for that matter, after what she’d so recently been through?

Wanting to give her a graceful out, in case he was moving too fast, he added, “But only if you’re ready to fully submit to me as your Dom. Does that work for you?”

He watched her carefully. If he saw any sign of hesitation or fear, he would pull back.

To his delight, a small, sexy smile lifted the corners of her pretty mouth. “Yes, Sir,” she said sweetly. “It works very well.” Though she didn’t say it aloud, he could sense the subtext: What took you so long?

Wasting no time, she toed off her shoes and reached back to unzip her sexy little black dress. Underneath she wore black silk panties and a matching demi bra.

Eric’s cock hardened at the lovely sight. “Everything,” he reminded her.

“Yes, Sir,” she repeated softly, the low, sweet huskiness back in her voice.

As she lay down, Eric pulled out the toy box he kept under the bed. He enjoyed bondage, not so much the act of binding itself, but the way rope could be used to tease, relax and excite a sub.

He removed the canvas tote where he kept his rope neatly stowed. With careful precision, he unwound and placed several long hanks of rope on the bed beside Rowan.

“Reach back and grab the headboard bar,” he instructed. “I’m going to start with your wrists.”

When he’d seen the distressed vintage metal and brass bed frame in a junk store, he’d known at once he had to own it. He’d cleaned it up, sanding away the rust and polishing the brass until it shone. Along with holding his mattress, it made a perfect bondage frame, and he couldn’t wait to tether Rowan.

She reached obligingly back to grip the bars. As he wound the soft rope around her wrists, he decided to kick things up a level, aware dominant words could be as powerful as restraints to ease a submissive into the proper headspace. “I’m going to tie you down so you can’t move a muscle,” he informed her. “You’ll be completely exposed and at my mercy. I haven’t yet decided if I’ll whip you, fuck you or just leave you there to admire. It’s my choice though. Isn’t that right, sub girl?”

“Oh,” she breathed, eyes shining. “Yes, Sir.”

His cock hardening to steel, he worked quickly, wrapping and knotting the ropes around her breasts in a pleasing pattern. He pulled her legs wide, securing her ankles to the bars at the foot of the bed. As he bound her, Rowan relaxed by degrees, the tension leaving her body, the overexcitement easing from her features.

Taking a step back, he paused to admire her beauty. Her long curls were spread like an inky storm over the pillow. Her eyes looked black in the lamplight, her lips softly parted. Her breasts were bunched prettily together by the rope crisscrossing them in a tight embrace. Her nipples were red and erect, fairly begging for clamps.

He sat down on the bed beside her and ran a finger around the areola of her left nipple. “How’re you doing?”

A long shiver moved through her frame at his touch. “Good, Sir,” she breathed, her voice low and calm.

Leaning over, he sucked her right nipple into his mouth, nipping it lightly with his teeth as he did so. She drew in a breath and expelled it as a sigh.

“I want to clamp those lovely nipples. Would you like that?”

Her eyes widened slightly with a mixture of trepidation and desire. “Yes, please.”

Rummaging a moment in his toy box, he pulled out the small satin pouch that contained two pairs of clover clamps. He withdrew one of the pairs and laid the cold chain across her smooth stomach. Again, she sucked in a small breath, but was otherwise still.

He rolled her nipple between thumb and forefinger until it was fully engorged. Taking the clamps, he opened one end, positioned it at the base of her nipple and let it close.

She hissed at the sudden, sharp pressure as her nipple was painfully compressed. “Fuck,” she whispered. “It hurts.” Her chest rose and fell as she struggled to master the pain.

“Pain can be beautiful,” he said softly. “When coupled with submission, it can transform into something almost sacred, if you let it.”

“Yes,” she agreed, letting out a long breath. “Yes.”

Dipping his head again, he sucked the second nipple into his mouth, letting her feel the nudge of his teeth once more. Pulling back, he clamped the second nipple, drawing another sharp hiss of pain from her pretty lips.