And was Garfield through with her? Eric doubted the guy would go down without a fight, but he’d met his match. No matter what else happened or didn’t, John Garfield was done bullying Rowan, or any other woman for that matter. Eric would see to that.

But the last thing Rowan needed right now was another guy taking things over. No matter how attracted he was to her, or how much he wanted to help her undo the damage perpetrated by that asswipe, he would need to tread carefully.

“Sure. Of course,” he replied, pleased his voice came out calm and steady.

She blew out a breath, some of the tension easing from her. “Thanks.” She angled slightly away from him. “I just need to shoot a quick text to my friend.”

“No problem.”

As her thumbs flew over her screen, Eric stepped away to give her some privacy. His smart watch buzzed against his wrist. Staring down at it, he saw the reminder that he had an appointment in one hour at the private dungeon where he rented space when not working for the Masters Club. It was a onetime training session with a couple who wanted to learn more about proper caning techniques.

His immediate impulse was to cancel right away. No matter how brave a face Rowan was presenting right now, she was just coming off a harrowing experience. She shouldn’t be left alone.

He glanced toward her. Her thumbs were still flying, her expression now animated. Eric frowned. Aware it was fucked up and selfish, a part of him had secretly hoped this Sheri person would be unreachable, and that he could keep Rowan all to himself.

Jesus. What was happening to him? When had he morphed from a responsible, caring BDSM trainer into a pathetic teenage puppy dog crushing on a girl?

He turned away and closed his eyes as he wrestled his emotions under control. He would be there for Rowan in whatever capacity worked for her right now—not him.

“Okay, yay,” Rowan said from behind him.

“Yay?” Eric echoed stupidly.

“Sheri’s not mad at me. Even better, she totally wants me to come stay with her. She’s got a place over in Alphabet City, not that far from here, actually. Talk about good timing. The guy she’d been subletting a room to just moved out and she needs a roommate. I’ve got some savings, and she’s cool with giving me a little time to get on my feet before the rent kicks in.”

“Great,” Eric managed, hoping he didn’t sound as insincere as he felt at that moment. “What about all your stuff? Don’t you need your things—clothing and whatnot? Your canvases?”

Her smile faltered, worry reentering those huge dark eyes. “Yeah. But I’ll be okay for a few days.” She brought a finger to her mouth but then stopped herself, shoving her hand into her pocket instead. “If that offer still stands regarding a van once I get this stuff figured out, that would be really helpful.”

“Absolutely,” Eric agreed. “We should probably do it sooner than later, in case he gets any stupid ideas.”

She furrowed her brow a moment but then shook her head. “I don’t think he’d harm the canvases. He has too much respect for art to actually destroy my work. I have to believe that.”

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Eric replied, trying to keep the skepticism out of his tone.

“Yeah, and he really came through for me, at least on that front. I’m going to be part of a show soon at Zimmer Galleries, and it’s all thanks to him.”

At Eric’s blank look, Rowan elaborated. “It’s an amazing opportunity. I’ll only have a few canvases for sale in a back room, but Zimmer’s is one of the most prominent galleries in the city. It’s an incredible break for me.”

“Wow,” Eric enthused, genuinely impressed. “That’s terrific. I can’t wait to see your work. When’s the show?”

She wrinkled her nose. “You know, I’m not even sure. But I think it’s soon. It’s their smaller gallery over in SoHo. I’ll find out and let you know, if you want.”

“Absolutely,” he agreed. “So, what’s your timeline with Sheri? There’s no rush. My couch is still available. Or you could take the bed and I’ll use the couch. It’s really no trouble.”

Her smile was genuine but he saw the “no” in it before she spoke.

“I really appreciate everything you’ve done already. I wouldn’t want to put you out any more than I already have. Sheri’s building is on East 8th street, just off Avenue D. It’s not even a mile from here. I can’t wait to get outside and just walk. I’ve been cooped up way too long.”

She moved closer, smiling up at him. “Thank you, Eric. You’ve been truly awesome. Thank you for being so kind. Thank you for helping me to remember who I really am.”

Her words sounded an awful lot like a goodbye.