The trainer stepped back. “Whenever you’re ready, Rowan.”

Rowan reached for Brandon’s cock, wrapping her hand around the base of his hard shaft. He squatted obligingly as she took him into her mouth. It took a minute or so until they found a rhythm. Rowan breathed through her nose, her heart rate steady, her thoughts calm.

I can do this.

Bit by bit, she had Brandon lower himself so that his cock went deeper into her mouth and then, at last, into her throat. She kept her head back, willing herself to remain open and relaxed.

I am doing it.

“Excellent.” Eric’s voice startled Rowan. She’d been so deep into a kind of relaxed focus that she’d almost forgotten he was there. “You’ve taken him in fully. Now, Brandon, keep moving in and out. Ask me for permission to come. You will pull out to ejaculate.”

“Yes, Sir,” Brandon said somewhat breathlessly.

The last of Rowan’s trepidation fell away at Eric’s command that Brandon pull out. While she’d been gearing herself up to swallow when the time came, there had remained a lingering worry she might choke at the crucial moment. Now she was free to fully focus on pleasuring the man standing above her.

A fat vein throbbed along the length of his cock, pulsing softly in her mouth and throat. She had done it! She had taken a man fully into her throat for the first time without gagging. Master John would be so pleased.

Pleasure and power coursed through her as she suckled his shaft with her throat while gently massaging his heavy balls in her hands. Brandon was breathing faster now, his movements more rapid as he lowered and lifted himself on his strong legs, sliding in and out of Rowan’s open throat.

“Oh, god,” he gasped suddenly. “Please, Sir. Permission to come?”

“Granted,” Eric said from somewhere above them.

Rowan let her hands drop as Brandon pulled away. He came with a strangled cry, cupping his palms to catch his spurting seed. “Thank you, Sir,” he gasped as the last orgasmic shudders racked his frame. And then, flashing Rowan a brilliant smile, he added, “And thank you, Mistress.”

Rowan shook her head, rejecting the title, though she couldn’t help but grin back, triumph and satisfaction warming her blood.

“Thank you, Brandon,” Eric said, pulling Rowan’s attention back to the trainer. “You did a good job. You may clean up and go back to your duties.”

“Yes, Trainer,” Brandon said, accepting the hand towel Eric held out for him. “Thank you, Sir.”

Just as he turned to leave, someone tapped lightly on the door of the training room.

“Come in,” Eric said.

The door swung open and one of the staff subs Rowan had met the night before appeared. “Excuse me, Sir. Master Grayson asked me to let you know that Rowan’s Master has arrived earlier than expected. He’s waiting for you down in Mistress Dominique’s office.”

Chapter 8

As the girl slipped away, Eric glanced at Brandon. “Wait a moment, please.”

He turned to Rowan, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights, her dark eyes wide, both hands clutching at the black slave collar around her neck.

“You’re not in trouble,” he said quickly, moving to offer her a hand up from the mat.

“But I’ve been doing better, Sir,” she pleaded, swaying slightly on her feet. “You said you didn’t have to tell him. Why is he here? What happened? What did I do? What did I say?”

Eric placed steadying hands on her shoulders. “You did nothing wrong. He came back early because we thought it best. I never got a chance to meet with him, you know. You’re not in trouble,” he repeated gently. “But I do have some concerns. Based on your difficulties yesterday, we thought it wise to hold off on the more intensive aspects of your training regime until we could meet face-to-face with your Master.” He nearly stumbled over the word, but caught himself in time.

“It’s important we talk directly and candidly with Master John,” Eric continued. “I’m not sure that all of his goals and expectations for you are realistic or appropriate at this point. I’d like to sit down with the two of you as well, once we’ve had a chance to bring him up to speed. Hopefully, we can all reach a better accord, and move forward from there.”

Though she had calmed, Rowan still looked anxious, her teeth worrying her lower lip, one hand still clutching her collar.

“This is a good thing,” Eric said reassuringly. “The fact that he came so quickly shows that he cares about you.”

It was hard to admit that aloud, but Eric had to acknowledge it must be true. Whatever he thought about the guy, he had cut short an international trip to meet with them. That had to count for something.

And Rowan wasn’t the only one with issues. Eric’s feelings had gotten tangled up in all this. It would be good to take a step back and reassess. Meeting her partner was a necessary, if hard, reminder that she belonged to another.