“You may now be seated,” the officiant says. Marlie’s Dad, Joe, hands me her hand, placing his on top of both of ours.

“I know you’ll take good care of her.” I nod my head, emotion clogging the words I want to say but can’t.

“Of course, he will. He’s Uncle Tanner,” Jace inputs. A chuckle leaves us all.

“You want to come hang out with me while they tie the knot, kiddo?” Joe asks.

“Nah, I’ll stand here. Thanks, though.” My eyes go to Marlie’s. She shrugs her shoulders. I look at Keller. He’s shaking his head worried that Jace is going to upset us, but I mouth, “He’s fine.”

“You look beautiful, sweetheart.” I’m thankful she didn’t wear a veil. If she had, it would be what it was, but I’m glad because there’s nothing standing in my way to see her face.

“Tanner.” That soft word leaves her lips, eyes watering already, and there’s no way I can keep them at bay, not when the officiant states, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” I tune out the rest until we say our vows, ready to get to the good part, when he announces we’re husband and wife, and that I can kiss my bride.




“I can hear the camera shutter, you know.” Tanner is lying on the couch, head tipped back, Camille, or Cammy as we like to call her more often than not, is on his bare chest. She’s only a couple of months old but has her daddy wrapped around her pinky finger. You know how moms get maternity leave? Well, let’s just say Tanner is taking one, too, even if he’s not technically calling it that. Keller gave him hell for it, but Tanner just gave him one look, and he quietened down. Apparently, when Jace was born, he was off work until Jace was sleeping through the night. Not to mention how he barely worked, calling his mom to check in on Jace every two hours. After about two weeks straight of it happening, Tanner told him to just work from home.

“It’s not like I was trying to be sly about it. The beach house needs some framed pictures on the wall.” We’ve kept both houses, using the beach house for more of a vacation-type home since it’s smaller and has less of a backyard.

“Sweetheart, put the camera down and sit with us. It won’t be long till she’s up and ready for a clean diaper and her mom to feed her.” Tanner isn’t wrong. Our girl does not like to be wet in any stretch of the imagination, and that includes bath time. To say we’ve had some challenges would be a stretch; we’ve had many, along with a few learning curves.

“Fine, fine, I will,” I grouse. What I really should be doing is taking a shower. I’m ashamed to say today has gotten the better of me. My hormones are a mess, I’m crying at the drop of the hat, and my hair is a greasy and ratted disaster. The clothes I’m wearing are two times too big on me because they’re Tanner’s. Not to mention my breasts that leak even with pads, but half the time I’m so engorged it hurts to wear a bra of any kind, so here I am, a freaking mess, and my husband, bless his heart, doesn’t care.

“That’s my girl.” Tanner pulls me into his side. My head goes to his shoulder, and I relax even though there are a million other things I could be doing. Showering, for one, cleaning up the kitchen that has dishes piled up from last night’s dinner along with this morning’s breakfast, laundry that doesn’t seem to end these days, and a slew of other things.

“Maybe I’ll just shut my eyes for a few minutes,” I tell him, looking into the sheer happiness that surrounds his eyes and the way he smiles.

“I’d love nothing more for you to do that. Afraid that won’t be possible. My parents are coming over with Jace. They want to spend some time with Cammy.” No freaking way I’m letting anyone walk into our house when it looks like a bomb went off.

“And you were going to tell me this when? Tanner Bailey Hart, I should make you clean the damn house by yourself while I luxuriate in a bubble bath.” I huff out a puff of breath, attempting to stand up when Tanner keeps me pressed to his body.

“Marlie, sit still for a minute. Mom isn’t going to judge because the house is a wreck. She raised five kids who were more heathen than children. There were plenty of times the house was a wreck, including the time after she brought Leena home. Dad was at work, the boys and I tried to help out but made things worse, and that’s when shit got even worse. Dad’s folks walked in along with her parents. She was in tears, not knowing whether she should be happy or sad. Needless to say, they dove right in and whipped us all into action to help.” Why I ever doubted Tanner and his way he takes care of Cammy and me, I don’t know, but I really need to stop.