That’s why today is the first time we’ve all gotten together as a family, and even though I work with them, it’s nice to catch up, take a break from work and unwind. My eyes zero in on Marlie. Jace is hogging her attention, completely enamored with her. I mean his hand is in hers as she trails behind him. We’re all outside. Dad has the grill lit. The sides are already done, including the broccoli salad and brownies Marlie insisted on bringing even though I told her it wasn’t necessary. Yeah, that didn’t fly, and it had her up early this morning to get things ready.

“You got the girl. She’s funny, pretty, and fits right in. Good thing you swooped in when you did, or I’d be stealing your girl, big brother.” Asa slaps me on the back, a beer in his hand, and his usual sly smile when he’s up to no good on his face.

“Not that you would ever stand a chance with her. I would have never let her slip through my fingers.” The way Leena made plans to swing by her shop, wanting to see what she has on display and to check out the latest fashion trends, something tells me she’ll be asking for a raise next. We haven’t been here for an hour, yet Marlie is firmly in the fold. I’m damn grateful for it, too.

“Eh, don’t be so sure about that. I can be persuasive.” Yeah, with every girl who’s looking for a ride, gets it, and then is shown the door is the next day.

“Is he on about that shit again?” Keller comes from out of nowhere, stealthy and quiet like normal.

“Yep, no one’s buying his line of shit, though.” I look over at Dad. He’s got a chef’s apron on, manning the grill, with Mom right beside him talking his ear off. “You think Mom is telling him how to cook the steaks?”

“Yes, without a doubt. Should we go save him, or should we let them have their moment?” I respond. Deke is sitting off to the side. He and Leena are in cahoots like usual. It always happens with those two, since they’re the youngest in the bunch.

“That depends. How does Marlie like her steak? Well done or cooked right?” Mom’s a big fan of charred meat, while the rest of us are not.

“Let’s freaking go. I’m not chewing gristle all night. Plus, I need a beer and to top up my woman’s glass of wine. I bet Jace is talking her ear off, planning all the places he can sweet-talk her into taking him.”

“He gets that from his Uncle Asa.” I chuckle. The fucker doesn’t stop, not even when Keller swings his gaze at him, giving him the what-the-hell look.

“You ever teach my son your ways, you won’t be able to talk, much less walk. I love you, Asa, but I’ll be damned if you instill in him that love ‘em and leave ‘em mentality.” Keller doesn’t get fired up by a lot; there are just some things you don’t joke about with him.

“Whoa, I was just kidding.” Asa puts his hands up in the air, knowing he’s pushed it too far.

“You fuckin’ better be.” Keller stalks off. He’s been a single dad since day one. The only experience he had was helping with Leena; it was a whole other ball game when Jace was born.

“Shit, I better go apologize,” Asa says, going after Keller. I’ll give him that; he knows when to man up and fix his issues, with family at least.

I guess that means it’s up to me to take care of Mom and her insistence on burning the meat. I shake my head knowing there won’t be a detour for my beer or Marlie’s wine, but if it means she has a decent meal, it’ll have to wait.


“Yes, Tanner?” She spins around. How she can differentiate between our voices so easily, I don’t know, unless she really does have eyes in the back of her head.

“Can you come help me figure out which bottle Marlie’s drinking out of?” I wink at my dad, letting him know without words that I’ll get Mom away from the grill.

“Sure, I’ll even bring it to her. I noticed she’s pushing Jace on the swing. You think Marlie knows yet that he knows how to do it but likes to get others to do the hard work?” Dad nods his head in thanks, chuckling at Mom’s assessment of the situation.

“I’m thinking she knows but doesn’t care. Her brother’s younger, and those two still talk daily even though they’re hundreds of miles apart. They even FaceTime so she can see her brother’s wife, who’s pregnant with their first child.” With our weekends being uninterrupted by work, we’ve had the chance to talk about everything from children to marriage. We’re on the same page, except on the children part. Marlie wants a big family, one like mine, whereas I’d be happy with two, maybe three. Once I explained to her that I saw the struggle my parents went through, a thoughtfulness came over her, and she understood where I was coming from.