
There’s nothing like ending a twelve-hour work day then going right into the construction trailer and working for another two hours. I fucking hated that I didn’t have time to check in with Marlie, but now that no one is around, I’m checking the voicemail she left me, knowing if I checked it in the middle of the day, nothing would have gotten finished. My mind would have been elsewhere, and that’s not good on a job site.

I kick back in my chair and rest my eyes for a minute, knowing I need to get some purchase orders written and on Leena’s desk if we’re going to stay on track. Another few weeks, and we all should be back to normal and not busting our balls to make a dollar.

That is until I see a note on my desk with Mom’s handwriting on it.

If you’re in the office and it’s past nine o’clock, get your butt home and in bed. Nothing needs to be done tonight. Plus, Leena will kick you in said butt if you mess up another purchase order.



“Son of a bitch. You fuck up one order, and your baby sister never lets you live it down.” I throw the paper on my desk and stand up because Mom is right. If there’s a screw-up, it means something else will take me away from Marlie. And after the way she came with just my fingers yesterday, the pout she gave me when it was time to head to my folks’ house, and her sweet voice that was riddled with sleepiness this morning, there’s no way I’m going to mess that up, so I shut the lights off and lock the doors.

It’s not until I’m back in my truck that I pull up Marlie’s voicemail. Her sweet melodic voice carries through my speakers. A shiver runs up my spine, and my cock aches when she says, “It’s everything. And, Tanner, so are you.” I make a U-turn. Work be damned. There’s no reason to live for tomorrow if you don’t have today. Sure, it might suck come tomorrow morning when I have to wake up with the roosters, but to see Marlie, to kiss those sweet lips of hers, to hear her soft moans and have her wrapped in my arms, it’s fucking worth it. My first order of business is calling Leena, and the shit she’s about to serve me will go down the line. Each one of us Hart siblings has a bit of Stone in them; it’s what our grandfather always said. It’s a history story that’s as old as time, our small family plot handed down from generation to generation. That was the reason Mom and Dad never bought a bigger house, even when all of us kids were born. Dad said he was born in the house, and he’d die in the house. Mom begged to differ; she’d rather he didn’t die in the only home she’ll ever have and leave it with a memory like that. Though, it didn’t take much convincing when I was a teenager for them to finally put on an addition. And much to Mom’s chagrin, the way all of her kids protected their hearts along the way only annoyed her that much more. It was a good thing, though. It kept us boys from bringing home women who weren’t worthy of not only our time, but we also saved Mom a heart attack, I’m sure.

“This better be good. I have a glass of wine and my show on,” is how Leena answers the phone.

“Oh, it is. I’m pulling rank. I left a purchase order on my desk. Can you have Mom work on it? I’m taking a few hours off in the morning, which also means my phone will be on silent. Unless someone’s dying, I’m off.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your horses. You can’t just go willy-nilly without an explanation. You know Keller will be all over my ass, bitching, moaning, and complaining that we’re short staffed if I don’t at least have the gossip to back it up.” Fuck, she’s not lying.

“I’m going to Marlie’s. It’s time I claim my woman. If Keller has a coronary, tell him to pound sand. Sorry to lay this on you, little sis. You can add it to the never-ending plethora of favors I owe you. Gotta go. Love you.” Leena’s grasping at words to say, but I’ve already hung up. I’m still contemplating showing up at Marlie’s place without a phone call. It’ll be a good hour before I get to her house, so maybe it’s not a bad idea, after all.

If I had played my hand better, I would have left hours ago, but that was before I listened to her voicemail. Now, I’m on my way to grab a shower and Tim, and just in case Marlie is dead asleep to the world or playing out another little fantasy of hers in the comfort of what I’m sure is a comfortable bed, I’m going to call.