“Thanks for coming over and bringing Tim. I was just thinking about going to the animal shelter and looking at either a dog or a cat to adopt, more than likely a dog, though.”

“Best thing you’ll ever do. Tim was rescued from a puppy mill.” I remember my mom sending me a text telling me to get to the pound as soon as possible to get my name on the list. That was all she wrote. Two weeks later, Tim was mine.

“Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow, then. Come on, I’ll show you where to put those, which by the way, I see you’ve done your homework.” Marlie winks at me before walking in front of me, hips swaying with every step, and I’m not the only one following her. Tim is hot on her heels behind her, tongue lolling out. Shit, not that I blame him.

“A smart man always does. If you want to go to the shelter tomorrow, I’ll go with you. I have nothing going on until the evening. Even then, if you want to hang out, you’re more than welcome to join me and the family for dinner.” Marlie is fucking gorgeous and one hundred percent going to be mine. Clearly, my thoughts have done a complete one-eighty when it comes to relationships, and I’m ready to see just how things play out even though she hasn’t responded to my last statement. That’s okay because by the end of the night, Marlie will definitely know my intentions are solid when it comes to her.



“Dinner was delicious, thank you,” Tanner tells me after he’s helped put away the leftovers, do the dishes, and clean up the kitchen. It was a simple dish of lasagna and Caesar salad, so it’s kind of hard to screw up. Nevertheless, it’s nice to be complimented.

“You’re welcome. And thank you as well.” I lift up my glass of wine. Tanner told me earlier on he’s not a huge fan of wine. That didn’t stop him from trying the red blend I adore so much. It was funny at first, the almost bitter-looking face he made, but by the second and third sip, he conceded and liked it. I just laughed and told him he didn’t have to drink it and next time, I’d have beer ready for him. Tanner gave me a thoughtful look, came up to me, his hands going to my hips, backing me into the corner, and took my mouth. There was no other way to describe it. The sensation of his tongue sliding against mine caused a rippled effect. I felt it from the tips of my toes to the bottom of my feet. Not to mention my body was left throbbing with a need that I knew wouldn’t stop even if I used my fingers or the plethora of toys in my nightstand.

“Anytime, sweetheart.” We’re sitting on the couch, Tim is at Tanner’s feet, my legs are propped on Tanner’s lap, his hands are massaging my calves, my wine glass is in my hand, and I’m in complete and utter bliss. It’s also not helping calm down my overdriven libido. Nope, with every touch of his work-roughened hands sliding up and down my body, it only gets worse.

“Are you sure you’re real?” The words slide from my lips. This time, when Tanner’s thumb works my inner thigh right above my knee, a moan leaves me. He grabs my wine glass just in time because I’m pretty sure I would have spilled the remnants on not only me but the couch as well.

“Easy, there.” My eyes watch him the entire time in his cotton tee, worn jeans, and muscles rippling in his arms as he takes care of me. “And, yeah, I’m real, sweetheart. If you’re not careful, I’m going to show you just how much. I’m thinking that’s not something we should be doing right now, but damn is it hard not to.”

Tanner moves, wedging himself between my now spread thighs, hands going beneath my back until one hits my neck, holding me there while the other kneads my lower back, touching bare skin.

“If this is your version of slow, I’ll take it, Tanner.” I sigh aloud, enjoying the feel of his weight against my body.

“Fuck, you make me lose my mind.” His eyes are locked on my lips, and for all the teasing he’s done, this time, it’s my turn. I lick my lips. Tanner groans, and his head drops to my chest, which doesn’t help in the least, especially when he lets out a breath of air. The sweater set I’m wearing, well, let’s just say it’s very breathable, and I nixed the bra today. It was a crapshoot. I didn’t want to be annoyed by a bra or panties, plus I’ve been lucky in the chest department, and gravity has been kind. It’s honestly a family gene thing, so maybe it’ll continue to be there as well