Page 52 of Enemies Abroad

“We could sit for a second and wait it out?”

“I don’t think it’s going to let up. Lorenzo was worried some of the roads will flood.”

I heave a deep sigh, trying to keep it together.

“Okay, well…I guess we should get going. Do you want to navigate?” I ask him.

“My phone’s almost dead. Can you?”

I dig around in my bag. Searching. And come up empty. “I don’t have my phone.”

I rack my brain, trying to think of the last time I saw it. I checked the time on it a half hour ago, when I was sitting on my lounger. I remember putting it back down beside me.

“It must be in my towel. Hopefully it made it into the van.”

There’s no point in getting out to look for it on the beach. I’d never find it. The umbrellas and chairs were all getting cleared while we were packing up, and I don’t even think I could find where we were sitting. If it’s not in the towel, it’s gone. I can’t worry about that possibility right now.

“It’s fine,” he assures me. “I’ll look up directions and jot them down in case my phone dies on the way. Do you have that pen still? And the crossword book?”

“Pen, yes. Book, sort of.”

I hand both over. The book is basically just sludgy pulp at this point. There’s not a single page he can write on.

“Right. I’ll just use my hand.”

The traffic in Sperlonga is at a standstill because everyone is trying to head in the same direction: away from the beach, all at the same time. There’s congestion at every turn. Honking, rain, windshield wipers whipping back and forth—none of it will let up.

It’s a good thing I wasn’t trying to stick close to the vans because we immediately lose them. Noah’s phone dies about ten minutes in and he guides me with the directions he wrote on his skin. I tell him to guard those scribbles with his life. I don’t want to end up in the middle of nowhere in this downpour.

Lorenzo was right to be concerned about the roads. These old Italian towns weren’t built with modern transportation in mind. There’s mud and muck everywhere. My tires keep spinning out, and not far into our drive, I pass straight over a shallow pothole flooded with water. I didn’t see it coming or I would have swerved around it or at least slowed down. I wince at the heavy THUMP from the front right tire.

“Sorry! I didn’t even see that!”

“It’s fine,” Noah tells me. “I would have done the same thing. You can’t see anything right now. Just keep going slow. You’re doing great. Here, I’ll clean the windshield again.”

It keeps fogging up because of the temperature difference between outside and in here. The humidity level in our car resembles a tropical rainforest. We can’t even roll the windows down for a breeze like we did on the drive earlier, so we’re just stuck like this.

“I’m just as wet as I was when we left the beach,” I say with a deflated laugh.

“We’ll dry off soon.”

We make it out of Sperlonga after an hour of driving. The trip back to Rome is going to take us all night.

“What a mess.”

That’s when I notice something’s wrong with the car. Through the heavy rain, I start to hear a perpetual thump, thump, thump, and the car keeps trying to pull to one side. I keep my hands firmly on the steering wheel and then we start to bounce. The car’s suspension was never great to start with, but now it’s like we’ve got a—

“Flat tire,” Noah says, just as I realize it myself. “Don’t slam on the brakes. Put on your hazards. Shit, does this thing have hazards? Oh, there. Okay. Try to gently steer toward the side of the road and let the car slow itself down. I’m not sure if it’s a blowout or just a flat.”

Noah keeps me from panicking as drivers lay on their horns behind me. Even with my hazard lights on, they’re confused about why I’m going so slow.

“Go around me!” I shout even though they can’t hear me.

Noah’s hand touches my arm. “You’re fine. Ignore them. See up there? That little turnoff? Pull over there for me.”

When I get there, I kill the engine and heave a deep breath.

Panic hasn’t fully set in. We don’t know what’s going on. We’ll assess the tire and then worry about what we need to do after knowing what sort of dire situation we’ve found ourselves in.

“Stay in here and I’ll check it out,” Noah tells me, bracing himself before he opens his door and goes back out into the rain. I turn off my windshield wipers so I don’t make it worse for him as he inspects all the tires. Then I cross my fingers.