My stomach tightened as I pounded on the doors. Someone. Anyone. Someone had to be here to answer the door.

I’d given my key back.

Why had I given him back my key?

In hindsight, that was such a silly thing to do. I could have exploded in there like the movies.

No. No. I wasn’t wearing the dress for that.

I knocked on the door again, using the brass knocker this time.

The door swung open. My heart jumped into my throat, but it wasn’t Alexander.

Of course not.

He didn’t open the door.

“Adelaide,” Boris said, surprise etched on his strong features. “What on Earth are you doing here?”

“Where’s Alexander? I need to talk to him. Now.”

“Come inside.” He stepped aside to let me in, and I rushed inside, then turned back to look at him.

“It’s really important, Boris. Where is he?”

Boris paused.

“Whatever is going on out here?” Elizabeth asked, following Monica the cat out of the kitchen. “Adelaide!” She swept me into a huge hug and held me at arm’s length to look at me. “My dear, what on Earth is the matter?”

“Is Alexander here?” My heart was pounding now, thumping hard in my chest, so hard I thought it might break out.

“He’s not. Why are you here? You’re supposed to be at home.”

“I know, I know, but…” I looked down and swallowed. “Please. I have to talk to him, Elizabeth. I have to… I have to tell him.” My eyes stung as I looked into her caring eyes, and I buried my face in my hands as she once again pulled me into her arms. “I shouldn’t have left,” I said as the emotion finally got the better of me and the tears spilled over.

I vaguely heard Boris close the front door.

“There, there, dear,” Elizabeth said, rubbing her hand over my upper back. “Let it all out. Go on.”

And so I did.

All the frustration and emotion of the past few days came tumbling out of me, and I cried into her shoulder. My entire body heaved with my sobs, and the pain of my stupid decision was like needles prickling all over my skin.

I wished so badly I could turn back time.

And now I was here, and he wasn’t.

And I was crying onto his mother’s shoulder like a complete moron.

“I’m so sorry,” I said to Elizabeth, straightening up. “I’ve gotten mascara all over your lovely dress.”

She peered over at her shoulder and scoffed. “It’s just a bit of mascara, dear. Now, why don’t you come and sit in the kitchen? I think I heard Boris make us a nice pot of tea, and I got a cake from Maggie this morning. Let’s sit and have a little chat, shall we?”

I nodded. “Where’s Olympia?”

“She’s out with Peter mucking out the stables. Just as well, too, she’d get herself in a right tizz if she saw you all upset like this.”

“I don’t want her to know I’m here,” I said when she pulled me into the kitchen. “Just in case…”

“Oh, I don’t think we need to worry about that.” Elizabeth deposited me on a stool and took the one next to me. “And the cake I brought home this morning, Boris, please. This tea smells lovely.” She took control of the pot and poured three cups, sliding my teacup and saucer over to me. “Sugar?”

“One, please.”

“I’ll make it two. I think you could do with an extra.” She daintily added two sugars and a dash of milk. “Now, get that in you. There’s nothing a cup of tea can’t fix.”

“Quite right, ma’am,” Boris said, bringing over a cake box.

“And here’s yours.”

“Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you.”

She nodded to him. “Better?” she asked me, then looked over my head. “Ah, Emily. Would you be a dear and get the makeup wipes from my bedroom, please? They’re on the dressing table.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right back.” Emily’s voice echoed from the hallway.

“Well? Adelaide? Better?”

“Yes, thank you,” I said softly, setting the teacup back on the saucer. “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.”

Elizabeth raised her cup to her lips. “Well, love makes us do funny things, dear.”

“You—you know?”

“Of course I know. Do you think I’m blind? It was quite obvious the two of you had something going on that you were trying to keep secret for the last couple weeks of your stay. You failed dismally, if I might say so.”

Boris nodded. “I have to agree there.”


“Oh,” I mumbled.

“And even if that weren’t the case, you were both utterly devastated when you left. You could see it on your faces. I was wondering when you’d come back.”

“You knew I’d come back?”

“Of course. And I was hoping you would, right up until this afternoon.”

“Why this morning?”

Elizabeth glanced at Boris.

I looked at them both. “What? What happened this afternoon?”

“My dear girl,” Boris said gently. “Alexander isn’t here because he’s on his way to Arrow Woods.”