“That’s true.”

Alex turned to me. “Aren’t you going to see your family?”

“I am. I’m going to see everyone in a second. I just… wanted to say thank you,” I said, looking up at him. “For everything.”

He smiled down at me. “It was my pleasure.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight, pressing my nose against the side of his neck. He hugged me back, but I kept it brief, given how many people were here.

If anyone really believed we were seeing each other, we could deal with that later.

For now, I just wanted to enjoy the evening.


Miles sipped from his beer. “So. Does she know yet?”

I glanced at him. “Know what?”

He snorted. “That you’re in love with her.”

I scratched my forehead. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, come on, mate.” He turned to look at me. “It’s obvious, isn’t it? Everything you’ve done for her today? Shit, and I thought cooking for Gabi was a great birthday present next month. Talk about standards to live up to.”

“You’re going to feed Gabi. She’ll love you forever.”

“Yeah, but now I feel like I need to feed the five bloody thousand while I’m at it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Only if you admit you’re in love with her.”

“Keep your damn voice down,” I ground out. “It’s complicated.”

“It always is,” he muttered, swigging his beer again. “What’s your excuse for it?”

I rubbed my hand on the back of my neck. “She’s leaving. It’s not a secret. She said from the start that she wasn’t looking for a relationship.”

“People never are until one comes looking for them. Ask me how I know,” I finished dryly.

I smirked. “You love Gabriella. You wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“I’d like to give her a Xanax every now and then, and I’d like to know what she tap-taps away at on that little laptop of hers that she won’t let anyone see.”

“Knowing her, she’s researching patio slabs or something,” I replied. “No, as much as I’d like things to work with me and Adelaide, I’m not sure it would.”

“Because you’re not in love with her, right?”

“Well, yes, for a start.”

“Mhm. Well, that explains why you can’t take your eyes off her, then.”

I blinked. Shit. He was right. I was following her every move around the room—watching as she went from person to person to talk to them and thank them for coming.

“Thought so.” Miles smirked at me, and I had the urge to punch him. “I don’t know why you don’t ask her to stay.”

“Because if she wants to, I want it to be her decision,” I replied. “I don’t want her to stay just because she thinks I want her to. It’s not easy, Miles. If she wanted to stay, she wouldn’t just be getting me. She’d be getting Olympia, too.”

“You do realise she’s lived here for the past six weeks and managed just fine? Apparently, your mum loves her.”

That was true. “She does indeed. They have far too many little afternoon tea sessions for my liking.”

“I think you should tell her how you feel, Alex. Before she leaves and it might be too late.”

“I’ll think about it.”


“Yes,” I said, finishing my whiskey. “I’ll think about it, Miles. Asking her to stay is more than just asking her to be my girlfriend. It’s about a whole lot more than that.”

“I know. I just don’t think you’ll get anywhere unless you give her a chance to tell you either way.”

“I’ll think about it,” I repeated.

“All right. Then stop looking at her like you’re gonna propose by midnight before everyone figures out you’re in love with her.”

“How can you tell that I’m in love with her?”

“Because you look at her the same stupid arse way I look at Gabriella.” He snorted, dangling his empty bottle between his fingers. “Like the bloody world starts and stops with her.”

I peered over at him, fighting a smile. “That is how you look at her, yes.”

“Well, now you know how you look at Adelaide.”

“Well played.”

“Thank you.”

“I am obsessed with these cats!” Aunt Cat walked into the library with Monica and Phoebe in her arms. “Look how fluffy they are!”

That was about how I expected her to announce herself, yes.

“Alexander! Have you seen these cats?” She beelined for me.

“I have, Aunt Cat. I live with them.” Sadly. “Is Uncle Henry here?”

“No, someone has to watch Alpaca, dear.”


“The dog,” Miles muttered.

Right. The dog she rescued in a similar manner to my mother and the cats.

You’d never guess they were sisters.

“Of course,” I said. “Have you seen Mum yet?”

“No, dear,” Aunt Cat said. “I was looking for her, then I found this one in the sink.” She raised up Monica. “And this one eating a plant!” She lifted up Rachel.

“Aunt Cat, I have an idea.” I put down my bottle and touched her upper arms. “Olympia is upstairs in her room with Phoebe the cat. Why don’t you go up there and you can spend all evening talking about animals.”