Alex clicked his tongue, and a few moments later, a tiny pink nose emerged from beneath the dark bridge.

“Here,” Alex whispered as Olympia tried to stifle a giggle.

Even she was in on it.

“What—” My breath caught as the guinea pig I’d fallen in love with at the fair scooted out and looked right at me. “Wh—what?”

Alex’s eyes were focused entirely on me, and he smiled.

“But he sold. George said so.”

“To me.” Alex laughed softly. “I saw how much you loved him, so when you went for your wander, I told George I wanted him. That’s why he was still in the enclosure. I picked him up two days ago, and Peter kept him in the back barn until this morning when he brought him out for me.”

“He’s mine?” I asked.

“All yours,” Alex replied, grinning wider than I’d ever seen before. “And it is a he. George checked.”

Tears filled my eyes, and Alex pulled me into his side.

He got me the guinea pig.

“Oly,” Elizabeth said softly. “Come on. We need to clean the litter trays, okay?”

Olympia looked at me. “But Addy’s crying.”

“Happy tears,” I assured her. “Your papa surprised me, that’s all.”

“Oh. Okay, then.” She jumped up and disappeared, and I heard the faint sound of the back door closing.

I couldn’t believe it. The little guinea pig I’d fallen in love with was now mine. How had he even known I loved him? Had he been watching me? How much attention had he been paying to me that I didn’t even know?

“Thank you,” I whispered, leaning into him even more. “I don’t know why you did that.”

Alex reached forward and unhooked the run, then expertly caught the guinea pig with one hand. He gave him to me, and I cradled him against my body as his beady little eyes looked up at me.

I couldn’t help but smile.

“I did it, Addy, because look how happy you are.”

I stroked the back of the guinea pig. “I really am. Thank you.”

“See? I told you that you’d have a great birthday.”

I laughed, wiping under my eyes. “And you still have to take me to the bookstore.”

“That I do.”

I put the guinea pig back in his run and closed the top down.

“I should warn you that Olympia thinks he looks like a Treacle and has taken to calling him that.” Alex frowned. “We tried explaining he’s yours, not hers, but I don’t think she cared.”

I laughed, dropping my forehead to his shoulder. “I think he looks like a Treacle, too.”

“You’re far too nice to her.”

“Hey, she’s just presented me with a gallery of homemade gifts. I can live with a guinea pig she’s named Treacle.”

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, chuckling. “It does kind of suit him, doesn’t it?”

“It does. Now I just have to think about how I’m going to sneak him into the hotel.”

Alex tensed before quickly relaxing. “Well, today is your birthday, and you don’t have to think about that right now. And you’re right, I did promise you a trip to the bookstore, so shall we grab Olympia and go?”

He got up, and there was a twinge deep inside me that said I’d upset him by mentioning the hotel.


He turned around to look at me and swallowed. “Yes?”

I stepped closer, reached up, and brushed my lips across his. “Thank you.”

Any darkness in his eyes dissipated. “Come on. There are books to buy.”


“I cannot believe you got Millie to infiltrate the restaurant and take photos of us to post on Twitter.”

Alex laughed, unlocking the car. “Oh, come on. You have to admit it was rather funny.”

“And the manager was in on it, too? Honestly, you’re having far too much fun today.”

“What? It’s your birthday so I can’t have fun?” His eyes twinkled. “Was it worth it, though?”

I pressed my hand against my stomach. “Oh, gosh, yes. I don’t think I can eat another thing, though. I might burst out of this dress.”

His eyes raked over my body from head to toe. “I can help you get out of it later, if you want.”

I stared at him with my lips tugging up as he opened my door for me. “I’m sure you’d love that.”

“Actually, I would. And it was in my plan, so there’s that.”

“All right,” I said, holding onto the top of the door with one foot in the car. “My room or yours?”

“Why don’t we see where we end up?” Grinning, he leaned in and kissed me, playfully nipping my lower lip.

I swatted at him. “Alex! Someone will see us!”

“Ah, yes. Of course. I forgot this car park is practically hopping.”

I looked around.

We were the only two people here.

“Still,” I continued. “You never know who could walk around the corner.”

“Unless it’s a BBC news crew, I think we’re fine. Now get in the car before the ticket runs out.”