“And start the whole village gossiping about us? Really?”

“Well, the media already thinks we’re seeing each other, and I bet we can bribe someone into taking photos of us and posting them on Twitter after we’ve left.”

I brought my hands to my face and laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Hey, kills two birds with one stone.” He peeled my hands away from my face meaning I had no choice but to see his wide smile. “Come on, please. Oly would love to spend your birthday with you. What if I promised to take you to the bookstore?”

I put my hands on my hips. “Your Grace, are you trying to get into my knickers?”

“Is it working?”

“That depends how many books you buy me.”

“As many as you want.”

“Give me two minutes. I need to go to the bathroom to remove my underwear.” I went to step past him, but he laughed and grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him.

“Come on.” He wrapped his arms around me, trapping me against his body. “We’ll have a nice breakfast, go to the bookstore, I’ll leave you alone to read, then I’ll take you to a nice restaurant for dinner. I know it’s not the birthday you had in mind, but maybe it’s a good substitute?”

I took a deep breath and sighed it out, then smiled up at him. “It sounds perfect.”

“Good.” He kissed my forehead and released me. “Now, not to cut this game short, but I have to go schmooze my favourite restaurant for a table.”

“Do you think you can do it?”

“Of course.” He looked over his shoulder and flashed me a grin. “Everybody here loves me.”

“Did you hear that?”

Alex paused. “Hear what?”

“That noise.”

“I didn’t hear anything.”

“Funny. It sounded like you tooting your own horn.”

He burst out laughing and left, digging his hand in his pocket. “Someone has to toot it!”


I woke up on my birthday feeling strange.

It was the first one I’d ever spent without my sister, and the knowledge that I wouldn’t see her at all had me snuggling deeper under my covers instead of getting up.

I didn’t want to get up.

I was warm, I was comfortable, and it was still before eight.

Nobody needed to be awake that early on their birthday.

Unfortunately, more sleep was not on the agenda. I knew Alex had managed to get us a table for dinner tonight, albeit earlier than he’d hoped for.

With no chance of sleep, I decided to get up. I showered and brushed my teeth, then took the time to dry my hair and put on a little makeup, then changed into one of my favourite sundresses.

At least I could feel pretty today.

I paused to respond to some messages wishing me happy birthday, including the one from my parents who promised they’d call me this afternoon and Gabriella who sent me at least ten gifs of babies dancing after her birthday wishes.

I put my phone in my pocket and finally left my space. I was hungry, and I vaguely remembered Alexander promising me a nice breakfast.

It was probably only said in the heat of the moment when he was trying to cheer me up, but I was still going to try my luck.

I made my way downstairs and poked my head into a couple of rooms. Nobody was around, but as long as the kettle could be boiled for a pot of tea and there was bread for toast, I’d honestly be happy.

I was a simple thing, really. Quite easy to please.

I could hear voices in the kitchen as I approached, so at least there was someone around this morning. I scratched my ear and pushed open the door, almost drooling at the prospect of hot, buttered toast.

“Happy birthday!”

Shock ricocheted through me, and I almost fell back into the hallway. Boris, Elizabeth, Alex, and Olympia were standing in the kitchen, all with huge smiles on their faces, and I slowly looked at all of them.

“What?” My gaze fell to the island. Balloons hung from the beams on the ceiling, a banner was hung over the aga, and they’d laid out a shiny plastic tablecloth on the island where a huge spread of breakfast foods were ready and waiting to be eaten.

Pancakes—both American style and crepes plus toppings. Bacon, eggs, bread to be toasted, sausages, hash browns.


And the best one.

The wonkily decorated pink birthday cake with candles lit on top.

“Oh, my gosh.” I pressed my hand against my chest as emotion welled inside me. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“We wanted to,” Elizabeth said with a smile, walking over and wrapping me in a hug. “Happy birthday, dear.”

“Thank you.” I hugged Boris, and then found myself almost bowled over by an exceptionally excited Olympia.

“Did you see the cake? Me and Granny made it. I decorated it. Just for you. Do you like it?” She dragged me over to it. “You have to blow out the candles and make a wish.”