“We do. Ma hasn’t worn all the pieces together for a number of years, but she’ll occasionally take the earrings and bracelet for a special event.”

“And it belongs to you. So… Your future wife will wear it?” Adelaide finally peered over at me, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I met her eyes, and for a moment, a fleeting, irrational image of her wearing the Winthrop Loop Tiara flashed through my mind. “Yes,” I said, swallowing. “The entire demi-parure will be available for my future wife.”

She held my gaze for a moment before she looked away. “It’s stunning. Much prettier than the Leicester one, if you ask me. My great-grandmother had it remodelled into a bandeau tiara. It’s far from ugly, but it wouldn’t be my choice.”

I closed the book and put it to the side, along with my overactive imagination. “Are you entitled to wear it?”

“My grandfather always said both Eva and I would be allowed, but since he passed a couple of months ago, I’m not sure. It would be up to my uncle now.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. It’s only a tiara, and my life won’t end if I don’t have to wear that thing.” She smiled at me. “Do you have any books on your estate in the library? I’d love to read more about your family.” She stopped. “I’m sorry, that’s such a weird thing to ask.”

I laughed and leaned back on the sofa. “Are you sure you did the right degree? I’m starting to think you should have become a historian.”

“You and me both.” She sat back, too.

I reached over and pushed her hair from her face, and she tilted it to look at me. “Yes,” I said after a moment. “There are several. I’ll find you one later tonight.”

Her whole face lit up. “Really?”


“Thank you.” She pulled her feet up onto the sofa and looked over at me. “Can I talk to you about something?”

“As long as it isn’t tiaras again.”

She dipped her head and laughed quietly. “No tiaras. But… cats.”

I groaned, dropping my head back. “Must we?”

“Alexander, please.”

“Fine. Go on, then.” I rolled it to the side to look at her, gently toying with a lock of her hair. “But this better be good.”

Of course, I already knew what she was going to say. But I wasn’t going to let her know that.

“Do you promise to let me talk without interrupting me?”

“I do. Go on.”

“I know you think Oly isn’t responsible enough to look after them, but I believe you’re wrong. She’s always out looking after the rabbits with Peter, every day for the most part, and she does everything from putting fresh bedding in their hutches to feeding them to scrubbing their little hideaways and tunnels.” She reached over and rested her hand on my knee. “Not to mention she’s been helping your mum with the cats. She feeds them every day and plays with them so they aren’t bored. I saw her sneaking ham up there this morning as a treat. I did have to tell her the whole packet was a bit much, but she took them a slice each.”

I desperately fought a smile.

I’d already made up my mind, but I was enjoying her impassioned plea.

“I know it’s your decision, and it’s really not my place to argue with you or tell you that you’re wrong, but I really think you should reconsider your position.” She paused. “Why are you smiling?”

I schooled my expression back into one of nonchalance. “I’m not smiling.”

“You were smiling!” She hit my leg. “Alex! Have you already changed your mind?”

“Perhaps.” I let my lips twist up.

“You arse!” She leaned over and smacked my arm this time. “You’ve changed your mind and you’ve let me sit—” Smack. “—there—” Smack. “—and—” Smack. “—ramble—” Smack. “—on!”

I laughed and grabbed her wrist before she could do it again. “Do stop hitting me, darling, you’ll hurt yourself.”

“I’ll darling you!” She fought against my grip but couldn’t escape, so I took my moment and pulled her over, grabbing her waist and pulling her onto my lap.

“That’s better,” I muttered when her knees nestled against my hips so she was straddling me. “Are you done now?”

“I swear to God, if someone comes in here—”

“Then we’re in trouble,” I replied, cupping the back of her head and bringing her lips down to mine. She tasted of tea and cookies, and I wanted to drown in the taste of her, because I was absolutely sure that nothing in my life had ever felt quite as good as kissing Adelaide.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and her hair fell like a curtain around us, shutting us away from the rest of the world. Her fingers twitched, and the little nicks of her nails against my skin only served to transport me to a world where it was only the two of us, even if only for a moment.