I offered her my arm again and somehow, she was able to walk in a perfectly straight line alongside me with her hand only just hooked through the crook of my elbow. We made it to the door through the flashes, and George quickly ushered us inside.

“Are you all right?” he asked us when we were out of shot of the cameras.

I nodded. “Yes, thank you. You don’t know how they knew this event was happening tonight, do you? As far as I was aware, it was quite private.”

“We do not, Lord Worcester. I believe security are trying to find out right now.”

“Thank you. I would appreciate a note if you do happen to find out.”

“Of course. If you’ll excuse me, I must get back to the door. If there’s anything you need, please let reception know.”

“We will, thank you.” I guided Addy towards the lift. “Not that we really need the confirmation.”

Addy scoffed. “I don’t know why you asked.”

“I thought I might be able to get it in writing and show Fred.”

“Oh, you snake.”

I laughed and took us both into the lift, pressing the button for our floor. “You can let go of me now, you know.”

“No, I think I’ll hold onto you as long as I’m in these shoes. That fresh air did not do me any favours.”

I glanced at her. “I’m still wondering why you’re with me and not Tim.”

“You are not going to let that go, are you?”

“Absolutely not. I’m terribly nosy.”

She rolled her eyes. The lift came to a jolting stop, and she had to grip the rail to ensure she didn’t fall over. “And that’s why I kept hold of you.”

“Fair point.” I led her out of the lift and down the hall to our room, where she plucked the room key from her clutch bag and tapped it against the brick above the handle. The little light turned green, and we both entered, with Addy stopping up short.

“That’s my suitcase.”

I smirked. “Yes. I had a porter bring it down as I’d assumed you’d forgotten.”

She peered up at me and let go of my arm, only just making it to the bed. “You pay far too much attention to the little things.”

“Perhaps. But in my opinion, it’s the little things that should be paid attention to.” I set our food down and undid the top button of my shirt. “Like how you say you aren’t as confident as Eva, but I’ve seen nothing but confidence, and how the number of sugars you have in your morning tea depends on how much sleep you had the night before.”

She paused midway through removing her shoe to look at me, tilting her head ever so slightly so that she was peering through her lashes.

“Or… how you’ve discreetly hidden bookmarks around the house so everyone will stop dog-earing the pages of books.”

Her lips twitched.

“How the first words to leave your mouth every morning are always, “Good morning! How did you sleep? Would you like some tea?” only for Boris to tell you he’s got it, prompting you to pour him a secret cup when you think nobody is watching you.”

“You… pay attention to that stuff?”

“Of course I do. If you want to get to know a person, pay attention to how they act when they think nobody is watching. That’s how you know who they really are.”

Adelaide’s tongue flicked out across her lips. “Very astute of you.”

“That’s how I know that you changed your kebab to a large one at the very last minute when you realised I didn’t order one for myself. And you put the garlic mayonnaise on the side, because you know I don’t like it.”

She dropped her head, but I could see the smile on her face. “Guilty.”

“There you are, then. Now might I suggest you take off that rather wonderful dress before you get all manner of grease and sauce on it?”

She got up, now barefoot, and unzipped her suitcase. She pulled out a set of pyjamas from it and stopped in front of me on the way to her bathroom. “Very saucy, Your Grace.”

“Go and get changed.” I laughed and carried the bag to the bed, where I made sure to fetch a blanket from the sofa to stretch out over it. These sheets were white, and it seemed like a terrible idea to eat greasy takeaway food on them.

Addy emerged from the bathroom after I’d opened all the food and laid it out, and her pyjamas were not quite as covering as I’d hoped they would be.

A strappy top and shorts.

I knew what happened to boobs when they slept in tops that were not full t-shirts.

For her part, she was completely unbothered by the fact she was wearing not a lot of pyjamas compared to usual—or a bra.

She climbed onto the bed next to me and stopped. “Wait. There’s only one bed.”