“Edward, hmm?”

“Don’t start.”

“Is there romance in the air?”

“Just because my sister took up with the butler doesn’t mean I have designs on romance with the staff myself, Alexander. Please behave.” She rested her hands in her lap and sat up straight. “Besides, I have no intentions of remarrying. I like my title far too much. It puts people like Charlotte Howard in her place.”

“Mm. That’s another reason I won’t ask Adelaide. The two of them do not get along, and I’ve heard Charlotte is starting to think herself better than others. I have no desire to put Adelaide in a situation that might make her uncomfortable.”

“There are plenty of other women of our standing you could invite.”

I hit my mother with a look. This was a conversation we’d had a thousand times and then some. She was more than aware that I had no intentions of pursuing a romantic relationship—Olympia was my priority.

While I also knew I had to have a son if the dukedom were to continue, I wasn’t going to faff about trying to find someone to marry just to have another baby when my daughter needed me right now.

My good friend, Matthew Bennett, the current and new Earl of Anglesey, was already going down that particular route. I wished him luck, but for now, I was perfectly happy with just me and Olympia.

“Do you want to know what I think, Alexander?” my mother asked primly.

“I consider it a great honour when you bestow your thoughts and opinions on me, Mother,” I replied just as tightly.

She pursed her lips disapprovingly. “I think you enjoy having Adelaide in the house, and you get along well. I think you’re hoping the opportunity will arise for something to happen between the two of you.”

That was a lot of thinking.

“Thank you for sharing,” I said, opening my laptop back up. “I think Adelaide and Olympia will be done with today’s lesson soon. Would you mind checking while I get some work done?”

She harrumphed as she stood up and headed towards my office door.

“Please close it on your way out.”

She let it swing shut firmly behind her, and the crash of it closing was only a smidge less than if she’d outright slammed it.

How was I supposed to raise a preteen girl not to slam doors if her grandmother made it a terrible habit?

I refreshed my email and sighed.

Did I like Adelaide? Yes, I did. Very much. Did I enjoy her company? Again… Yes, I did—although it was somewhat dulled by discovering she was on the wrong side of the Lancastrian-slash-Yorkist argument, but that didn’t dull the pleasure I felt when we spent time together.

And yes, for the record, I found her to be exceptionally attractive.

I may have even considered asking her to the event this weekend until she’d made her distaste for Charlotte perfectly clear.

That didn’t mean I harboured hopes of a relationship with her. Although it would no doubt please both our families, Adelaide deserved the freedom to achieve her dreams and start a family of her own when she was ready—not take on one that was already made.


Despite what my mother thought, I was not going to cross that line with Addy.

Not for a second.


GABRIELLA: Do you have a date for Saturday?

I stared at my phone. Not this again. I’d only had this same conversation with my mother yesterday, and I was still reeling from it.

ME: I’m in a meeting.

GABRIELLA: No, you’re not. You got off the phone with Dad ten minutes ago.

ME: I have another meeting.

GABRIELLA: How come you can text, then?

Sod it.

My cousin was far too smart for her own good.

ME: No, I don’t have a date. I’m not getting a date. Why?

GABRIELLA: I spoke to Sarah earlier. Charlotte has four separate, single women she’ll be introducing to “eligible bachelors.”

At this point, I wasn’t going to attend.

ME: Didn’t I tell her last time I wasn’t interested?

GABRIELLA: She doesn’t care. Sarah said she’s determined to set her cousin and some of her friends up. She’s got a rocket up her arse, and it’s destination duchess for her cousin.

ME: I think I’ll be ill this weekend.

GABRIELLA: Absolutely not. I need someone to hold my hand.

ME: Why couldn’t you be my plus one? We could have saved us both money.

GABRIELLA: Because I was supposed to bring Miles, remember? But it’s getting rather heated in season two, episode thirteen of The Magpie Wars.

ME: Sounds like a cliffhanger is on the way.

GABRIELLA: Luckily season three is already in production.

ME: What are you doing with your spare ticket?

GABRIELLA: Dad was going to see if he could swing it, but I don’t think he can, and Aunt Cat is in London for the weekend with Arthur.

Ah, yes. Arthur.

It’d come to quite a shock to Uncle Henry, the Duke of Bath, that his sister had been secretly having an affair with their butler.