“Henry was from an illegitimate line. The Yorks had the strongest claim, which was why he married Elizabeth of York. To strengthen his claim.”

“The entirety of our royal history is based on people killing each other for the throne until things stabilised under the Tudors. Does legitimacy really matter?”

He sighed. “Spoken like a true Lancastrian.”

“Oh, do be quiet. You’re just mad your guy lost.”

“Is it time for the sharks yet?” Olympia called without turning her head around. “Are they getting fed? I don’t want to miss them, Papa.”

Alex checked his watch. “Ten minutes. We should probably go and find a seat if you want to get one.”

She peeled herself away from the glass with a huge smile on her face. “Come on!”


“Do you have a date for the gala yet?”

I slid my gaze away from my laptop and the email I was writing and focused on my mother. “I do not, and I will not.”

“Alexander.” Ma opened the curtains opposite me, sending sun streaming into my eyes. She quickly rectified her mistake by pulling the blind cord to send the Venetian blind rattling down the window, and the sun was mostly blocked out once more. “Your invitation included a plus one. It’s bad manners not to take a plus one.”

“Yes, Ma, but I don’t have a plus one.” I signed off my email and sent it. “Besides, I have one thousand things I’d rather be doing this weekend than traveling to Bath for this charity event Fredrick is throwing.”

She did a double take. “Fredrick is hosting it? I thought Charlotte was.”

“You and everyone else,” I replied dryly, closing down my laptop. “But no, it’s actually Fredrick’s.”

Mum shook her head. “That girl has ideas above her station. Terrible manners to be taking over his event like that. Why can’t she wait until she’s really trapped the poor boy and is Countess?”

“Because his father continues to drag out the wedding planning. I think he’s hoping he’ll die before he has to see Fred marry her. Thomas doesn’t exactly get along with her.”

“Not a dreadful plan, all things considered,” she muttered. “I’m surprised Annabelle hasn’t attempted to put her in her place yet.”

I sighed and leaned back, resting my hands on the chair. “I spoke to Fred earlier this week. She’s largely trying to keep the peace between Charlotte and Thomas. Charlotte discussed moving in with Fred, and Thomas refused to allow it. He said that no child of his will live in sin in the family seat.”

“Didn’t he allow his brother and his fiancée to live there before they married?”

“Yes, but for goodness’ sake, don’t let her find that out, or all hell may just break loose.”

“Seems like a perfectly good thing to do to convince poor Fredrick to call that wedding off.”

“Mother,” I warned.

She waved her hand. “I’m not going to say anything, Alexander. I’m sure he’s more than aware of all her shortcomings.”

I wasn’t so sure, personally. He was rather blinded by love. Or lust. By all accounts, they were one and the same with Charlotte Howard and Fredrick Dormer.

“Still, it’s polite of you to take a guest,” my mother continued. “It’s for charity, Alexander.”

“I’m aware of that, Ma. I’ve paid a significant sum for the privilege of attending.” I picked up my phone and unlocked it.

“Put your phone down when I’m talking to you.”

I did as she said.

“Thank you. Have you paid for the plus one?”

“Mm,” I replied. “I wasn’t given much of an option, given Charlotte insisted the money be paid a month ago or the seat would be offered elsewhere. I wasn’t going to do it, but she all but threatened to set me up with her cousin.”

Ma shivered. “Oh, yes. That was a very smart decision, in that case.”

She didn’t need to tell me that twice.

“Why don’t you ask Adelaide if she’d attend with you?”

I stilled. “Why would I ask Adelaide?”

“She’s part of the same social circle. Gabriella will be there with Miles, presumably. I’m sure Miles would appreciate having someone else he knows.”

“He won’t be there. I spoke to Gabriella yesterday—he’s apparently fighting with the magpies and his fruit bushes. They’ve figured out how to break into his fruit cages and he can’t find the entry point, so he’s going on a stake out.”

Ma blinked at me. “I don’t know what to say about that dreadful excuse.”

I shrugged. “Either way, I think Uncle Henry is going with her instead. Why don’t you come with me?”

“To a gala Charlotte Howard thinks she’s running? No, thank you. I’d rather perform cataract surgery on myself without any anaesthesia.”

And everyone wondered why my cousin was so dramatic.

It was the women in the Hastings family. They were all so over the top.

“You could have just said no, Mother.”

“Of course I could have, but it didn’t have quite the same ring to it as that one.” She held her hand out in front of her and examined her nails. “Besides, I promised Olympia she and I would visit the farm this weekend. Edward has graciously allowed her to feed the baby goats.”