It was fine, though. She’d just have one scoop of ice cream. If there was any. No big deal. Just a little something sweet to kill her craving.

She crept down the stairs, on the lookout for any of the guys. They’d all but tackled her when she’d come in earlier, trying to get her to sit and eat dinner with them.

They seemed especially thick about grasping the concept that she didn’t want to sit down with a bunch of fit, attractive men when she smelled like the back end of whatever cow, horse, or pig she’d been spending the afternoon with. Even when she wasn’t arm deep in the animal herself, she inevitably ended up walking away from the farms and ranches they visited reeking of animal, mud, and manure.

She got to the bottom of the stairs and heard the guys screaming at the flatscreen. It sounded like a game was on. She bit her lip and stepped even more lightly. The bottom of the staircase was visible from the big open den, but if she was really careful—

She darted from the staircase to the foyer, breathing hard once she got to the wall that hid her from the den. Oh thank God, they hadn’t seen her.

She opened the front door, cringing at the small creaking noise it made. But she slipped out and shut it behind her. Whew, she made it. She ran around the house to get to the back door. It was unlocked and she stepped into the kitchen.

Ah, and there it was, the industrial size freezer in all its glory. She threw open the door and then felt a rush of exhilaration when she saw inside.

Ice cream, ice cream, and more ice cream. Mel had really outdone herself this week. There were all different flavors along with three large buckets of vanilla. She grabbed one of the buckets and then looked closer at the individual pints. There was coffee. Cookies and cream. Cookie dough—her favorite. Mint chocolate chip. Gross. She put that one back. Double dutch chocolate. Um, yes please.

Before she could think any better of it, she’d grabbed a spoon and had the tops off of all the containers. Then she was shoving large spoonfuls of ice cream into her mouth.

She would just taste a little bit of each one. She hadn’t had ice cream in so long. And didn’t she deserve a treat? After what she’d been putting up with from Hunter? But even thinking his name made her cringe and take another spoonful of ice cream.

Wow, the cookie dough was really to die for.

She was smart. You didn’t get into Cornell without being smart. She bet Hunter’s first few weeks on the job he’d made mistakes too.

Yeah, but he probably knew enough to tie up whatever animal he was treating.

She jammed her spoon into the ice cream. The chocolate mixed with the cookie dough tasted even better.

And why was he so determined to ignore her and treat her like crap, anyway? Was it just that he thought she’d make a bad veterinarian and he didn’t see the point in even investing the energy to teach her anything? Or was it because she’d been so bad in bed that even the memory of their one night together was enough to put him off his lunch at the sight of her.

Not that she was ever put off her lunch. Just look at her. God, she’d eaten almost all of the cookie dough pint. All by herself.

There was no fucking point trying to fight it. She was useless. She couldn’t do anything right.

That horse she’d tried to help tonight would die.

She reached over and shoved another spoonful of chocolate into her mouth. Useless. Ugly. Fat. An embarrassment.




She dropped the ice cream and ran to the side of the sink that had a garbage disposal. She leaned over, finger ready to go down her throat.


She jerked her hand back at the last second as big, fat tears burst out of her eyes.

No. She was better than this, goddammit. She was—

“Fine, I’ll get it this time, you fuckers, but next time’s on you.”

Isobel stood up straight at the voice behind her and swiped at her eyes. Oh God, the last thing she needed right now was one of them to see her like this.

She stood up straight and was ready to make her excuses when a low voice said from behind her, “You doing all right, beautiful?”

She pasted a bright smile on