Hunter swallowed hard and averted his eyes.

“Ah, that hits the spot,” she said after another long sip. “Is the kitchen still open?”

“Till ten,” Bubba answered. “What can I get for ya?”

She was quiet a moment, then blurted, “I’d kill for a burger,” like it was a confession she was admitting to a priest.

“My kind of lady. Beer and burgers. Coming right up.” Bubba turned and walked to the end of the bar where it connected to the kitchen to put in her order. Hunter couldn’t help his eyes seeking her out again as she sank back on her stool, taking another long sip from her beer.

But then his vision was blocked by Larry leaning on the bar between Hunter and the woman. Larry was in his late forties and had been a teacher at the high school before he got fired for showing up to school drunk.

“I agree with Bubba,” Larry slurred, obviously drunk. He smelled like a damn brewery. “It’s sexy seeing a woman who knows how she likes her beer. With plenty of head.”

Son of a—

“I’m Lawrence.”

There was no response from the woman. Hunter imagined her giving Larry a cold, “fuck off, I’m not interested” face.

“So you’re new in town,” Larry persisted, shouldering between Hunter and the woman even more.

“This is a small town. Everyone knows everyone. So when a bombshell like you walks in…” Larry paused, “…well, it’s hard not to notice. Hard being the operative word, if you get what I mean.”

All right, that was enough.

But the woman seemed fully capable of standing up for herself.

“Whoa whoa whoa,” Hunter heard her say. He still couldn’t see because of Larry blocking his vision, but from the way Larry was leaning in, he had to be crowding the woman.

Her firm voice was clear. “I’m not interested. You need to back up. Now.”

Larry’s body moved sharply like she might have shoved him, but he had a firm grip on the bar top and he barely budged.

“What?” Larry said, a nasty tone entering his voice. “I’m just being friendly, don’t be a—”

Hunter had had it.

“She said she’s not interested.” Hunter yanked the back of Larry’s collar, choking him and knocking him off balance until he stumbled backward and landed on his ass.

Hunter was already on his feet, standing between the red-faced Larry and the woma

n still sitting on the stool behind him.

“Get the hell out of here before I call Marie,” Hunter threatened.

Larry blanched and struggled to get to his feet.

“And call a cab or I’ll call her anyway.”

Larry nodded and stumbled off toward his table.

Larry was mostly harmless but there was nothing Hunter hated more than men who disrespected women.

He turned around to apologize to the woman and her eyes jerked up almost guiltily. Had she been checking out his ass? Hunter bit back a smile.

“Sorry about him.”

She just waved a hand and took a long pull of her beer. Too big a swig, it turned out, because she was immediately choking and spraying beer all over the bar top.