Page 112 of Hunter (Stud Ranch 2)

“Liam, you ugly gobshite, where ya been?” Sean jumped to his feet, holding out a hand for Brigid to stand up too. She had on skyscraper heels that made her legs look fucking fantastic. Her hair was red, her skin pale, and her tits high and perky.

What? In a dress like that, he wouldn’t be a red-blooded male not to notice.

“Sean.” Liam leaned in and gave Sean a hug and slap on the back. “Brigid.” He nodded toward her.

“Yeah. Good to see you man. Good to see you.” Sean patted him on the back a couple more times before pulling back and gesturing for Liam to sit on one of the overstuffed leather couches across from him and Brigid.

This suite was the biggest in the club, lit intimately by soft recessed lighting that could be turned up or down by remote control. The glass wall could also switch between being clear or a mirror, depending on the lighting in the room. It was a mirror at the moment. When it was clear, you could look down on the partiers below. No matter the setting, though, no one below could see up into the room.

It was one of the reasons Liam preferred this club. He didn’t like having to take women home to fuck them.

“Man, I been looking forward to talking to you. I got all these ideas. Like, these ideas.” Sean waved his hands dramatically. “Just nonstop. I really think I’m on to something here. Like the next big thing.”

Liam frowned at Sean. He was sweating and his fingers kept flexing and then relaxing, flexing and relaxing. “You into the shit again?”

Sean had an affinity for coke that at times had gotten out of hand. Liam was down for the occasional party once in a while but Sean took it to the next level. He’d even been into H for a little while after college until his dad stepped in and threw his arse into rehab. Sean had been mostly straight ever since then.

Sean shook his head. “What? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” He waved his hand. “Listen man. You gotta listen to what I’m talking about here. Dad’s been riding my ass lately. No more free rides and all this other bullshit. So I’m like, all right, ya bollix, I can make it on my own.” His eyes went wide. Manic almost.

Liam’s stomach sank. Well shite. Here it came, in three, two—

“I found this great investment opportunity. Man, you can’t lose money on this thing. It’s a fuckin’ gold mine. A sure thing. I got the inside track.”

Liam stopped listening at tha

t point. This was what it always came down to. Liam knew when people looked at him, all they saw were dollar signs.

He could usually spot supposed ‘friends’ trying to butter him up for a handout a mile away but Sean had snuck up on him. They’d been mates. For real. At least he’d thought so. Maybe Sean had just been keeping him around as a bank reserve in case he ever needed a bailout.

“So you’d be helping me out and getting in on a killer investment opportunity, yeah? What do you think?”

Apparently Sean had finished his pitch. He sat there looking at Liam, eyes too bright and frantic.

Liam ignored him and looked to the woman sitting beside him. Brigid had been with Sean for a little over three years, since right after he got out of rehab the first time. She was beautiful, there was no denying it.

Had Sean told her to wear the skimpy dress? Hoping that if there was attractive eye-candy Liam would be more willing to say yes to his ridiculous fucking proposal? She was looking at the floor, her cheeks flushed prettily. Was she embarrassed by her boyfriend making a little bitch out of himself begging for scraps like this?

“Well don’t leave me hanging. What do you think, man?” Sean pressed when Liam kept quiet.

Liam finally turned his gaze back to Sean. Sean must have seen some of his thoughts about the whole thing because his smile dimmed several degrees.

“I mean, you don’t have to invest the total amount right up front,” Sean started to backpedal. “You could just put in a small seed fund to get started, then when you—”

“How much?” Liam asked.

“I can show you some of the materials so you really know what a good deal—”

“How much?” Liam demanded, not in the mood for any more bullshit.

Sean swallowed. “Four million.”

Liam’s eyebrows went up but he didn’t respond.

“But I mean, for you, that’s nothing,” Sean started before Liam held a hand up. Sean went quiet, watching Liam while his hands fidgeted restlessly.

Liam stood up and Sean’s eyes went wide with fear. He stood up too and Liam could tell he was about to start trying to pitch him again when Liam cut him off. “I’ll give you the money.”

Sean’s body went limp with relief. Liam guessed this was about more than just proving himself to daddy. Just how far had Sean gotten himself entwined or in debt with the wrong people? Oh well. None of Liam’s business. Not anymore.