Page 103 of Hunter (Stud Ranch 2)

“We’ve got to find the pla

te Iz was eating from,” Jeremiah said. “There are probably traces of whatever she was dosed with.”

“And find the goddamned waiter, too,” Hunter growled.

“On it,” Liam said, heading toward the back of the bar.

Marie strode toward them. Though she was petite with short blonde hair that made her look more like a pixie than an officer of the law, she walked with an air of authoritative confidence. She’d earned the respect of almost everyone in town a couple years ago when she singlehandedly solved one of the most brutal homicides the county had seen in a decade. “Sorry guys, but I gotta take her in. Her stepmother is pressing charges.”

“The hell you are,” Mack said, stepping between Marie and where Nicholas was still holding Isobel. Nicholas hadn’t let up on his grip, but Isobel had gone limp.

“She needs a doctor, not a jail cell,” Jeremiah pushed Mack aside. “She’s been drugged. Just look at her.”

Marie frowned. When she stepped forward to look at Isobel, Mack tried to block her again but Jeremiah shoved him back. The two men glared at each other but Marie ignored both of them. She took out a pen flashlight and shined it in Isobel’s eyes. Isobel flinched from the light but gave no other reaction.

“She’s on something all right,” Marie said. She stood up straight and looked around at all the tall, intimidating men around her. She only came up to Jeremiah’s chin but she didn’t back down. “But she’s heading to lockup first. Then she’ll receive medical attention.”

Mack started to interrupt her but she cut him off. “And if any of you so much as think of interfering with an officer of the law, I’ll haul your ass in with her.” She leveled each one of them with a cold stare that dared them to fuck with her.

Then she turned back to Isobel. “All right, honey. I’m gonna take you in now.” She looked up at Nicholas as she pulled out a pair of cuffs. “Let her go, please.”

“Are handcuffs really necessary?” Reece asked.

“Standard protocol for a 10-15 call.”

“You swear you’ll get her checked out first thing?” Hunter demanded.

Marie nodded, looking him straight in the eye. “We’ve got Dr. Lucero on call and I’ll get him on the line as soon as she’s in the squad car.

Hunter huffed out a breath, but letting her go with Marie was probably the quickest way to get her medical attention.

As soon as Nicholas let go of Isobel, it was like she came back to life. She flew at Hunter, grabbing his face in her hands. “I would have loved you. But you’re not real. Just my beautiful might have been.” She looked so devastated as she said it.

Hunter grabbed her around the waist. “I’m here. Bel, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.”

But she just shook her head, a tear sliding down her cheek.

And then Marie was pulling her hands behind her back to put the cuffs on.

“I’ll get to the bottom of this,” Hunter said fiercely. “I swear.” He kissed her even as Marie finished latching the cuffs and started pulling Isobel away.

“I swear I’ll fix this!”

Isobel kept looking back at him as Marie led her out of the bar, hand on her shoulder.

He wanted to run after them. But what would that accomplish? He’d promised Isobel he’d fix this and he could do more here. Isobel would be safe at the sheriff’s office and the doctor would see to her.

The reporters and cameramen tried to follow Isobel out the door but Marie barked at them. She handed Isobel off to one of her officers at the door and blocked the rest of the squawking reporters.

Damn it, he had to fix this. Fast.

Hunter looked around, then jogged over toward where Liam and Mack were questioning a young guy in a white button up shirt and black slacks. The waiter.

“Talk or I’ll smash your fucking face in,” Mack said right as Hunter got to them.

The kid’s face went white.

Liam rolled his eyes. “Ignore this slap-happy bastard.” He pulled out his wallet. “We can be civilized here.” He took five one-hundred dollar bills out of his wallet and handed them over to the waiter.