He takes another deep breath and opens his mouth, but just then, the doorbell rings.

He jumps to his feet like his ass is spring loaded.

“That’ll be the doctor.” He’s out the door before I can so much as blink.

Dammit. I sigh, sitting up. Well, I mean, I’m relieved the doctor is here, but God knows how long he’ll clam up now.

It’s only a minute later before Xavier is back, literally dragging the poor doctor into the room by her wrist.

It’s the same woman as before.

She looks both harassed and scared, eyes locked on Xavier’s hulking frame.

“Xavier,” I snap at him.

He looks down at me. In his other hand, he’s carrying a heavy, black, hard-covered suitcase that I imagine is some sort of equipment the doctor brought with her. He sets it down but still has hold of the doc.

“Let her go. You’re freaking her out. She’s here to help us and it’d be nice if she’s not peeing her pants.”

Xavier lets go of her and the doctor looks at me, eyes wide with surprise. As tense as I am about my situation, I can’t help but be amused by the way she’s looking between me and Xavier.

“Yeah.” I shrug. “Things have changed a little since you last saw me. Let’s get this show on the road. Do I need to pee in a cup or something?”

She nods, swinging a black bag off her shoulder. Her hands are shaking. I glare at Xavier but he looks unrepentant.

“Can I set this up?” he asks, fidgeting with the latches on the hard suitcase.

“Don’t touch that,” the doctor says, then her eyes widen and she quickly adds, “Please.”

I roll my eyes.

“Xavier, if you can’t stop scaring the nice lady, I’m going to send you to the other room.”

He levels me with a stare. “Try.”

I smile sweetly at him.

The doctor glances back and forth between us, then shoves a little plastic pee cup in my hand. “If you can just deposit your specimen into this, please, we can get some initial information. I brought the transvaginal ultrasound, but we’ll only do that if there seem to be any problems.”

“Oh goody,” I deadpan.

I take the pee cup and head to the bathroom. “Come with me, sweetie pie,” I call to Xavier. “Let’s let the nice doctor set up her machine without you freaking her the hell out and making her accidentally break something important.”

Xavier glares at her. “She better not.”

“Oh my God.” I get off the bed and grab his bulky upper arm, dragging him to the bathroom with me.

I drank two glasses of water after the shower in anticipation.

“Turn around,” I say to Xavier once he shuts the door.

He stares at me with an intensity that seems unwarranted for being about to pee into a cup. “You’re so goddamned feisty. If I weren’t so worried about you, I’d be fucking you into next week.”

I grin at him. I can’t believe he can still make my stomach flip even right now. I twirl my finger at him, mock glaring.

He gives me another hard stare but finally turns to face the door.

After a few tries, I manage to pee into the cup.