Because that matters when the man had his mouth all over them just an hour ago, Mel. The thought makes me cringe in shame and embarrassment.

I can’t believe I just… gave in like that. I mean, yeah, I knew that sex would be expected of me in coming here. I’m not naïve.

The second I signed the contract, I knew I was basically prostituting myself for my dad’s freedom. But somehow it seemed like a noble sacrifice or some BS back when it was just an idea and not a reality.

And none of my ideas of how this would all go down ever involved enjoying myself or getting off.

I grab my body wash and spurt a generous handful in my palm. Then I get to work scrubbing at every inch of me he touched. I rub especially vigorously between my legs, ignoring the sensitivity and soreness of the area. The shower has a detachable head and when I turn it on my lady bits, it immediately feels good against the aching flesh. I wash up and down, making sure I’m extra clean.

And then the stream of water strays back my sex.

Did I bleed? I didn’t notice any blood, but then, I wasn’t hanging around to examine the sheets. It barely even hurt.

I remember his skilled fingers. How he played me so expertly. My own fingers stray there.

My eyes snap open and I jerk my hand away from myself. I replace the shower head back in its place high on the wall to finish the rest of my shower as quickly as possible.

Then I get out of the shower, towel off, and get into bed. Skipping dinner is a no brainer. I’m ready for this day to be over.

Sleep is still a long time in coming but eventually, blessed unconsciousness takes me.


“How hard is it to obey simple instructions?” His voice is a roar that jerks me from sleep.

I sit up in bed, my heart pounding as I look around me frantically. The room is completely dark. Still nighttime. Where am I—? What—?

“You washed me off you.” While slightly quieter, I can hear anger barely restrained in his voice. Xavier. I’m at his lodge in the middle of nowhere. Effectively captive.

“I, I’m sorry—” I stutter. “I didn’t think you—”

“You didn’t think!” he thunders. “You didn’t think you needed to obey orders? You know what happens to soldiers who don’t obey orders? They die.”

I scramble away from him on the bed, but he grabs my ankle and yanks me back, just like he did yesterday.

Oh my God. This guy is crazy. Like crazy crazy. You’d have thought the whole locking a girl up in an abandoned resort thing would have tipped me off, but it really only becomes clear in this moment. This guy just might be certifiable.

I wasn’t kidding when I said we’re in a place so remote no one will hear my screams.

I scream anyway.

Chapter 7

“Let go of me, you psycho!” I scream.

Xavier doesn’t say anything else, he just flips me over on the bed so that I’m face down on the comforter. The next second he’s lifted up my nightgown—the only kind of sleepwear provided and nothing like I would wear at home—and pulled down my panties. He grabs both of my wrists and pins them at the small of my back, forcing my face even deeper into the mattress. I thrash and turn my head enough so that I can at least breathe.

Oh God, is he going to rape me now? So was earlier just some fluke? Like, he had to wait till full dark to do it how he really likes? Psycho fucker. Well, I’m not going to make it easy for him. I don’t care if I agreed to be here. No always means no and—

A resounding slap on my ass startles all my thoughts momentarily quiet.

“Count,” he demands. “And ask, please Sir, may I have another?”

My mouth drops open. I crane my neck to look over my shoulder. I can only make out the barest outline of him. It must be a new moon outside because there’s barely any light coming through the curtains. He’s just a looming shadow at the edge of the bed behind me. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

He lands another punishing slap to my ass, this time on the other cheek. “Language,” he snaps.

“Fuck you!” I spit, yanking even harder to get away from him.