My sex clenches up and my stomach swoops, going liquid.

But after a brief, efficient rub over my pussy lips, his hand moves on.

I just stare at him.

Because again, wtf?

If he feels my stare, he doesn’t react. Not even to return my gaze. He just continues on washing me like everything’s right as rain. The rest of the bath continues. And then ends. Nothing.


The water’s draining and my libido is left fully on edge.

I splash the little bit of water left in the bath in frustration. “What?” I look up at him. “What am I doing wrong?”

Eyebrow lift.

I huff out a loud breath and lift my hands in the air. “I don’t get it. What do you want from me?”

“I told you clearly what I want.”

He steps out of the bath, his glorious ass flexing right in my face. I have the urge to take a bite out of it. Teach him what it feels like to be teased and forever on edge without relief.

Then his words register. He’s told me what he wants.

Son of a bitch.

He wants me to beg for his cock.

No way. Absolutely not. Keep dreaming, mister.

I stand up and stubbornly hold my face away from him as he dries my body with the same meticulous attention that he does every night.

Then it’s off to bed where he spoons me tight, slinging his thigh over mine, arm cinched tightly underneath my breast.

“I’m hot,” I say and try to wriggle out from under his hold.

His only response is to throw the covers off and then draw me close again.

Well dammit, now I’m chilly. I roll my

eyes. I know I won’t be for long, though, because I usually have the covers tossed off by morning anyway since he’s like a giant damn heater behind me.

I let out a huff of frustration.

The bastard behind me has the audacity to give me one of his low, throaty chuckles. His hand skirts down my abdomen and whispers across my sex before retracting again. His hips press forward and I can feel him rock hard against my ass. My sex clenches reflexively.

“All you have to do is say the word.” His breath is warm on the back of my ear.

I turn my face into the pillow and I grit my teeth.

God, does he think I’m some desperate tramp? I’m not going to be begging him for sex. I never wanted any of this in the first place! He’s just freaking insane. Absolutely out of his gourd.

So why the hell is your body so damn keyed up if he’s the crazy one?

Shut up!

I plump my pillow, punching it into shape, and then pull it close and try to fall asleep.